AG&P makes first shipment to Europe

Engineering firm AG&P Industrial (Atlantic, Gulf, & Pacific Company of Manila, Inc.) has completed the fabrication and shipment of the first batch of Outside Battery Limit (OSBL) modules for its first-ever European contract with London-based INEOS.

With a total weight of 1,432.47 metric tons, the OSBL modules were made in AG&P Industrial’s state-of-the art fabrication yard in Batangas, Philippines. 

The modules for INEOS, the fourth largest chemical company in the world, were shipped to Port of Antwerp, Belgium, the second largest chemical site in the world. 

The OSBL modules will support INEOS’ Project ONE, a novel ethane cracker plant with a capacity of 1,450 kt of ethylene per year. 

Designed to be one of Europe’s most efficient and sustainable chemical plants, Project ONE will provide ethylene, a key building block in chemistry, at the lowest carbon footprint making overall use of the best available techniques. 

Consumers of Project ONE’s ethylene will cut carbon emissions by two million tons per year as compared to the available alternatives today – an equivalent of greenhouse gas emissions produced by 1.6 million gasoline-powered passenger vehicles driven for one year, or carbon dioxide emissions from 867,574 homes’ energy use for one year.

AG&P’s scope of work includes detail engineering, procurement, fabrication, and modularization of pre-assembled units and pipe racks to be made in state-of-the-art facility yard in Batangas.

Project ONE will be completed with the Wood Group as the engineering, procurement, and construction management (EPCM) arm, with all three entities collaborating as one integrated team to deliver the critical project.

“We are honored to be selected by INEOS for its flagship project and for the opportunity for AG&P Industrial to enter Europe for the very first time in our over a century of existence,” said AG&P Industrial President and Managing Director of Global Business Development Alex Gamboa. 

He noted that, “AG&P Industrial was selected by INEOS from among top 15 yards globally, qualifying with necessary certifications and stringent European industry standards of construction.” 

“INEOS Project ONE represents AG&P Industrial’s global prowess to serve Australia, Asia, US, and now, Europe, and affirms our world-class capabilities, qualifications, market-leading credentials, and proven track record. It also represents AG&P Industrial’s commitment to contribute to lowering carbon emissions across the world,” said Gamboa.

INEOS Project ONE Chief Financial Officer Jason Meers said “Project ONE will provide renewal to the European chemical industry with state-of-the-art technology at the lowest environmental footprint.

“Specialized in building simple-to-complex process modules for the industrial sector with world-standard safety and quality record and powered by a diversified and highly experienced project delivery team, we found AG&P Industrial to be an ideal partner to support us in the build-out of our ethane cracker.”

AG&P Industrial has employed more than 2,100 for the project Batangas, Philippines, with all craftsmen trained and certified to European standards. 
The INEOS partnership supports AG&P’s commitment to create livelihood and employment for local workers with a multiplier impact on the local economy of Batangas.

AG&P is a leading diversified, full-asset lifecycle engineering, procurement, fabrication, construction, installation, and commissioning (EPFCIC) infrastructure development and operations and maintenance (O&M) company.