Not even in Israel have I found such faith


Gird your loins

Jesus manifests his surprise as the centurion, presumably a nonbeliever and a representative of the occupying forces in the land of Israel, confesses his faith in Jesus’ authority. Call it “faith in unlikely places,” but it is there present; Jesus acknowledges it and responds to it with amazement. In the end, he gives in to the centurion’s request and heals his servant “from a distance.” 

Should we be surprised by this response of Jesus? Earlier in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus declares, “Love your enemies” (6:27). The man before him is a Gentile, probably already a God-fearer and a sympathizer of the Jewish religion, but he still stands “outside the Law.” What better way for Jesus to transform an “enemy” into a friend by showing him mercy and compassion, especially now that it is asked for with faith and humility in behalf of another? 

In our life’s journey, we may be confronted by people who are very different from us in terms of culture and belief. Are we able to accept the difference and go deeper into the common “sense of humanity” that binds us together? Has our faith in Christ grown enough to embrace those who are different from us and respond positively to whatever needs they present to us?

Source: “366 Days with the Lord 2024,”  St. Paul’s, 7708 St. Paul Rd., SAV, Makati City (Phils.); Tel.: 632-895-9701; E-mail: [email protected]; Website: