First Lady Liza, Marcos brothers greet, share memorable moments with PBBM on 67th birthday

At a glance

  • In a vlog, Ilocos Norte Representative Sandro Marcos, the President's first-born, said he deeply respects the President as he has learned and continues to learn so much from him.

  • Simon said he and President Marcos bonded over music and recalled a time when they took a trip to Spain.

  • Vincent said President Marcos always makes an effort to get in touch with them despite his busy work schedule.

President Marcos was showered with affection on his 67th birthday by his family members who expressed how much he meant to them.

First Family (bongbongmarcos/Instagram)
First Family (bongbongmarcos/Instagram)

First Lady Liza Araneta-Marcos was among the first to wish her husband a happy birthday. In a Facebook post, she expressed how proud she was of his accomplishments.

"Happy 67th birthday to the sweetest and kindest soul I’ve ever known," she wrote.

"I’m so proud of everything you’ve accomplished, and through it all, you’ve remained the same tender-hearted, compassionate person who first captured my heart. I love you to the moon and back, and I always will," she added.




Best advice from PBBM


In a vlog, Ilocos Norte Representative Sandro Marcos, the President's first-born, said he deeply respects the President as he has learned and continues to learn so much from him.

"If there's one important lesson that he taught me, I think it's that when you're faced with a problem and you get panicky and go into panic mode, he always says to go away and think first because whatever your first decision will be will always probably not be the best one," he said.

"I've followed that to a T and I know it's the advice that his dad (the late president Marcos) gave him. I think that's the most useful thing or piece of advice that he's given me because it really has worked," he added.

Presidential son Simon, the second of three brothers, said his father taught him to never stop learning.

"Mainly just to always partake in whatever new or whatever is in front of you. Just to always ask questions and to always learn," he said.

"I think, as a general rule, if you're on that path, you can't really go wrong," he added.

Youngest son Vincent said President Marcos taught him to lead by example.

"He has always taught me to lead by example. You know you can tell somebody to do something, you can tell somebody to... this is how it should be done or this is how you should act. But I think the best way to teach somebody is just to do it yourself and then hope they take on that information," he said.



Fun facts about PBBM


Simon shared a fact about his father that the public might not know about him.

"I guess one really surprising thing is that he never really wanted to go into politics," he said.

"He was really into mathematics, physics. He would have studied and probably would have gone to, like, that field rather than politics if he never went. It's either that or rockstar so I think he got there eventually," he added.

Simon also said he and President Marcos bonded over music and recalled a time when they took a trip to Spain.

"Throughout that whole two-week journey we were treated to Sandro's house music, and me and my father absolutely hate house [music]. After the first week and a half, it was just me and my dad we were doing a trip to get some wine, get some food. I put on my playlist and then we started playing blues and what was originally meant to be a 30-minute journey turned into an hour cause we just went [around] because we were enjoying the music," he said.




Time for family


Despite looking up to him, the young Marcos, the first of the three brothers, said he does not envy the President but appreciates him for making time for the family.

"I always tell him I don't envy his job with the problems that he's faced and the stress that comes with it, but we really appreciate that uh despite all of that he's still able to make time for me, make time for my brothers, and, of course, make time to take my mom out on date nights and keep her happy," Cong. Sandro Marcos said.

Vincent said President Marcos always makes an effort to get in touch with them despite his busy work schedule.

"Usually, he tries to keep one day of the week free. Pero ang gulo talaga ng (But he has a complicated) schedule niya so sometimes he'll just call us and say, 'Hey do you want to have dinner today or do you want to have lunch?' Like wherever he can fit it in," he said.

"I don't think I've ever seen him have a full day free. Usually, he'll have either the morning free or the evening free. If it's morning then we'll do a sport like gym or shoot. If it's the evening then we'll usually have dinner and then watch a movie," he added.



Birthday wishes


Cong. Sandro Marcos assured the President that his family had his back.

"Pop, happy, happy birthday! We all love you so much, and I hope you know we always will be behind you 100 percent. Love you!" he ended.

Simon wished for his dad to stay the "cool dad" that he is.

"My biggest wish for my dad, in general, is just that he stays himself and he stays the awesome guy, the awesome, cool, amazing parent that he's always been," he said.

Vincent hoped the President would find time to do other activities to avoid being stressed too much.

"Happy birthday, Pop! Please don't get too stressed out. Try and find some free time to go camping or-- I mean camping might be hard now but, yeah, just wish you had more free time," he said.

"I'm really happy to have him for our country economically, politically. I don't think I could choose anybody else aside from my father," he added.