Philippines rolls out first self-driving bus in New Clark City

State-run Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) announced the launch of the country’s first-ever self-driving bus in New Clark City in Capas, Tarlac.

The bus service, which utilizes a transportation cloud system called Smart Mobility Operation Cloud (SMOC), will be accessible to the publi and will take routes within New Clark City, Clark Freeport Zone, and Clark International Airport.


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The self-driving bus deployed in New Clark City is utilizing a transportation cloud system called Smart Mobility Operation Cloud (SMOC), which maximizes operational availability while keeping the number of vehicles at a minimum by managing a lean dispatching system based on travel demand data.


The bus was launched on Tuesday, Sept. 10, in partnership with Zenmov, Inc., a Japan-based transportation service firm, and MC Metro Transport Operation, Inc.

BCDA executive vice president and chief operating officer Gisela Kalalo lauded Japan’s advanced transport system, stating that “By integrating their smart autonomous vehicle technology, we ensure a more sustainable and scalable transport solution here in Clark. This will positively transform the everyday lives of those living and working within Clark — making it easier to get around, reducing traffic congestion, and promoting a green and low-carbon environment.”

There will be a smart mobility demonstration program for the bus service until June 2025, as part of the memorandums signed by the BCDA, Zenmov, and MC Metro as well as Japan’s national research and development agency (NEDO).

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A ribbon cutting ceremony and demonstration of an energy-efficient, smart self-driving bus service was held on Sept. 10, 2024 in New Clark City, Capas, Tarlac.

 “The demonstration project will come at no cost for the Philippine government, with NEDO and Zenmov committing to finance the project,” BCDA said.

 Within the demo, a new public transport system named “Primary Rapid Transit” or the “last mile” service will run through the three areas within Clark using SMOC. 

“This application will enable Zenmov to measure and verify the effectiveness of the public transport service system, with an aim to maximize operational availability while keeping the number of vehicles at a minimum by managing a lean dispatching system based on travel demand data,” BCDA explained.

Besides the auto bus, Zenmov and MC Transport will release low-carbon electric vehicles and electric assisted bicycles and install smart poles, drones, charging stations and more to get real time data of traffic management within the demo routes.

 Beyond the smart mobility initatives, the state-run enterprise along with its private partners have pushed for green measures within the Clark properties. This includes maximizing renewable energy sources, active mobility promotion, biodiversity conservation, and allocating at least 60 percent of property for parks, green spaces, and water bodies.

“These initiatives are all in line with the BCDA’s commitment to sustainable, smart, and green developments,” BCDA added.