Manila Water struggles with meter theft surge in Quezon City, Makati

East Zone concessionaire Manila Water Co. Inc. has reported a surge in the number of water meter thefts and tampering incidents in Quezon City and Makati.

Jeric Sevilla, Manila Water corporate communication affairs director, warned that delinquent consumers caught engaging in these illegal activities could face criminal charges and other legal consequences.

The company has lost 1,592 water meters to thieves in the first eight months of the year.

“In recent weeks, we have received an increased number of cases of theft and tampering of water meters in our service area and filed criminal cases against captured suspects in Quezon City and Makati City. We would like to remind everybody that meter theft and tampering are both against the law, and violators and their abettors will face detention and penalties,” he stressed.

Manila Water emphasized that this act violates Section 8 of Republic Act 8041 or the National Water Crisis Act.

Violations include tampering, reversing water meters, shortening of vane wheels or other devices to steal water or interfere with meter accuracy or any diversion, among others. 

Using or benefitting from diverted, tampered, or illegally-connected water is also deemed illegal, according to Manila Water.

The concessionaire elaborated that violators will be apprehended and can face around six months to two years in jail. 

Moreover, those who have stolen water for profit or resale will be punished with six to 12 years of imprisonment.

Professional plumbers and employees of water service-related companies who are also involved in the criminal behavior could also be imprisoned by two to six years.

“Also, be cautious of persons who introduce themselves as employees of the Company and manipulate your water meters,” Sevilla added.

To avoid water theft, residents are permitted to install grills, safety vaults, and other protective measures to safeguard their meters.

Manila Water customers are advised to remain vigilant of these unlawful activities, and are advised to report any incident to their respective barangay councils or assigned Senior Territory Manager. Consumers within the eastern part of Metro Manila may also reach out to the concessionaire’s hotline service 1627.

“First time replacement of stolen or tampered meters is free of charge, while appropriate fees will be charged for the next occurrences,” Sevilla said.