FASHION PULIS: Happiness found

When Loyal Talent (LT) was discovered, fans feared he was not going to last in showbiz. Strictly speaking, LT had to distinguish himself given that his genre had so many other talents trying to keep afloat. 

LT did what he did best, that is, to be himself amidst critics and bashers. Thanks to his fellow talents, LT found his place in the sun.

As years passed, LT became a household name. Projects came his way and he did his best. His performance was recognized and later on, his contributions to showbiz were acknowledged. 

Amidst his success, LT remained humble and gave back to the community. However, love was elusive.

LT became the brunt of jokes as he has remained single for quite a while. LT accepted the jokes and continued to believe his time for love would eventually come. And it did.

One day, fans started to tease LT as rumors started to focus that he was seen with a New Girl (NG). 

Initially, LT was coy and did not validate any gossip about him and NG. However, their sightings became frequent and LT often appeared giddy whenever NG was mentioned.

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More time passed and things were going great. LT finally admitted his relationship with NG. The seriousness of their relationship was no longer doubted as the couple revealed they have met each other’s parents. Finally, life was complete for LT.

Incidentally, the grapevine says that LT and NG are not just a simple couple. Allegedly, the two have secretly gotten married. Of course, time will eventually prove if the two have indeed settled down.

"I believe in love. I think it just hits you and pulls the rug out from underneath you and, like a baby, demands your attention every minute of the day." —Jodi Picoult

Warning up

These days, social media bridges fans to their idols. 

When celebrities keep their social media accounts public, fans have access to what these famous people share. 

Some celebrities share just enough to keep their followers updated with their professional endeavors. By contrast, other celebrities overshare, not minding that their posts might create an impression about them and fans then set up their expectations. Hence, some fans feel that they can be chummy with their idols.

As fans are very observant, some of them worry about Showbiz Entertainer (SE), who seems to be returning to his alleged old ways. No one can doubt the talent and contribution of SE to the entertainment industry. When SE makes an appearance, he captivates the audience.

However, some people noticed he seems to be back to his old ways, that is, his fondness for younger fans. 

Like his contemporaries, his performances cut across generations and this behavior has not really been given much attention. 

For those who have been observing him, SE has been back to following younger fans. What they fear is that SE might slip up and start reaching out to his young female fans.

What would happen after he gets the young ones enthralled is what they feared. Receiving attention from SE can be flattering to any impressionable young fan. 

Even if SE allegedly is displaying red flags, no one would dare call him out as he has not really been involved in any tabloid-like scandal.

‘You know it’s funny. When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.’ — Wanda, Bojack Horseman

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