Teacher-solon appeals MTRCB’s X-rating of Alipato at Muog

At a glance

  • ACT Teachers Party-list Rep. France Castro asked on Friday, Aug. 30, the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) to reconsider its “X” rating on the documentary film, "Alipato at Muog".

alipato-at-muog-poster-min.jpg"Alipato at Muog" poster (Cinemalaya)









ACT Teachers Party-list Rep. France Castro asked on Friday, Aug. 30, the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) to reconsider its “X” rating on the documentary film, "Alipato at Muog".

“Documentaries like 'Alipato at Muog' are vital in shedding light on enforced disappearances and the struggles for justice. The MTRCB's 'X' rating not only stifles free expression but also silences stories that need to be told,” Castro said in a statement Friday, Aug. 30.

Directed by Jose Luis “JL” Burgos, the documentary narrates the abduction of activist Jonas Burgos—the director’s brother.

In a Facebook post, JL Burgos said his film was given an “X” rating by the MTRCB because of the supposed absence of decisions from the Supreme Court (SC) and Court of Appeals (CA) regarding the abduction.

He said the agency also flagged the documentary for being “leftist” over chants and voiceovers related to “fight for justice and fight for the disappeared”.

"It is alarming that the MTRCB equates calls for justice with leftist ideology,” stressed Castro, a deputy minority leader.

“We must nurture an environment where filmmakers can freely explore and present narratives that provoke thought and encourage dialogue,” she emphasized.

Under the MTRCB's movie classification ratings, an “X” rated film is deemed not suitable for public viewing.

With this, Castro has pledged to address this issue in the upcoming budget hearing of the MTRCB. 

She stressed that the agency’s actions should align with the principles of press freedom and artistic expression.

"As legislators, it is our duty to safeguard the rights of creators to present their truths and to ensure that oversight does not become censorship," the congresswoman added.

MTRCB is an attached agency to the Office of the President (OP). The OP is scheduled to have its deliberations on its proposed 2025 budget on Monday, Sep. 9.

“The call for the MTRCB to reassess its decision comes at a critical time when the country reflects on the vital importance of upholding human rights and press freedom,” noted Castro.