Hello, thirty-four


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On my last weekend as a 33-year-old, if I were to describe this past year, it would definitely be “life changing.” There would be no other more apt description. That’s what motherhood does to you. On my 33rd birthday last year, I wrote an Instagram post, that said “big, bold, great, life-changing and all things amazing you will be, 33.” To say the very least, it sure was all of that, and so much more. 

The most major and monumental part of my year, of course, was my son’s birth in February. Although it was quite a harrowing and trying experience, it definitely was also the happiest, and the biggest of blessings. Indeed, God reminded me that beautiful things also come with their share of challenges. But oftentimes, these obstacles are surpassed, and always a test of faith. Another life experience where I can indeed say that our good Lord is truly merciful to those who are faithful. 

We moved back home to the Philippines for good after being based in Mexico for two and a half years, and it most definitely was a welcome and heartwarming homecoming. Not only was it good to be home, and to finally live at home again, we came home with two more dogs, a baby, and a substantial amount of memories that did not only strengthen us, but will give us the most marvelous times to look back at. Although days were long, the years flew by. And again, a reminder to spend your time doing what, and with who matters most. 

As 34 comes around, I welcome it with an ever grateful heart. I am ready to embrace the many more opportunities that will come my way, and the many more beautiful years with my baby boy. Indeed, our children end up being our greatest teachers, and I cannot wait to learn from the only one who can teach me what he will. Life has become brighter since he came, but has also been framed into so much perspective. I cannot wait to see what home has in store for me – to go back to fueling my passion projects, and advocating for the causes that mean the world to me. 

Thank you, Lord, for another trip around the sun. Thank you to my family and friends for always being there. Here’s to another fulfilling, purposeful, and meaningful year to come!