Cordillera cops net 72 wanted persons

CAMP DANGWA, Benguet – Police captured 72 wanted individuals in the Cordillera region from August 11 to 17.


Police Regional Office-Cordillera chief Police Brig. Gen. David Peredo Jr. said the Baguio City Police Office caught 24, followed by the Benguet Police Provincial Office with 22, Abra PPO with 10, Ifugao PPO and Kalinga PPO with six each, and Apayao PPO and Mountain Province PPO, two each.

Fifteen suspects were top most wanted persons – 10 on the provincial level, three on the regional level, and two on the municipal level.

No crimes were reported in 66 municipalities in the region, 25 in Abra, 10 in Benguet and Ifugao, nine in Mountain Province, seven in Apayao, and five in Kalinga.

In Baguio, Police Stations 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10 also reported zero crime incidents.