PPA to hire more port police officers

The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) will be hiring more port police officers in a bid to secure all ports amid the ongoing expansion across the country.

PPA General Manager Jay Santiago said they have already opened the application process for new port police officers, even assuring that all the support necessary to ensure peace and order in ports will be extended.

“PPA’s port police force plays a crucial role in maintaining safety, order, and peace at PPA ports. They are essential in preventing, responding to, and managing any disasters, unwarranted incidents, or security threats that may arise,” said Santiago.

Santiago made the announcement during the graduation ceremony for 31 new port police officers at the PPA Head Office in Manila where he also issued brand new service firearms to the new port police officers.

Currently, there are 270 active port police officers in major ports across the country. 

Prior to the graduation, the 31 new port police officers underwent a series of training sessions at the PPA Training Center in La Union that include Basic Port Police Training Course.

The training also included port operations, criminal law, marksmanship, firearms safety, water search and rescue, and endurance exercises. Another training session is scheduled for September 2024.

“Due to ongoing port expansions, there is a continuing need for additional personnel,” said Santiago. 

Applicants for port police positions must be Filipino citizens, college graduates, passers of the Civil Service Commission or Professional Regulatory Commission exams, not been previously dishonorably discharged from the military, police, or any government job for serious reasons, and must not have been convicted of a crime involving bad moral conduct. 

Interested applicants may visit the PPA website and official social media accounts for more details.