Muntinlupa LGU issues new guidelines in issuance of solo parent IDs

The Muntinlupa City government has enacted an ordinance containing new guidelines for the issuance of identification cards to solo parents. 

Muntinlupa City Ordinance No. 2024-228A was passed by the City Council and signed by Mayor Ruffy Biazon. 

The ordinance’s title is an ordinance providing new guidelines in the issuance of solo parents identification cards to the qualified solo parents of Muntinlupa pursuant to Republic Act No. 11861 or The Expanded Solo Parents Welfare Act.”


Muntinlupa Mayor Ruffy Biazon (Photo from Mayor Biazon's Facebook account)MuntinlupaCityCouncil1.jpg

Members of the Muntinlupa City Council (Photo from Sanggunian Secretariat - Muntinlupa)

Under the Act, the government is mandated to “support the natural and primary and duty of solo parents in rearing their children by providing for their basic needs, and extending to them assistance in social service and welfare benefits, with the end in view of uplifting their status and circumstances.”

In 2005, Muntinlupa Ordinance No. 05-029 “was enacted by the Sangguniang Panglunsod in 2005 to facilitate the issuance of Solo Parents Identification Card to the qualified solo parents in Muntinlupa City.” 

The new ordinance repealed the existing ordinance “to conform to the latest policies of the national government.” 

Under the new local law, the city’s “Social Services Department (SSD) shall review and verify the documents submitted by the applicant and shall issue the SPIC [Solo Parent Identification Card], if applicable, within seven (7) working days from receipt of complete documents. In case of dispute, the Social Services Department shall resolve the same within five (5) working days.” 

The solo parent ID is valid for one year. 

Under Muntinlupa City Ordinance No. 2024-228A, a solo parent needs to submit authenticated or certified true copies of requirements to the SSD. 

These are the requirements for the solo parent ID as stated in the ordinance:  

(a) For the solo parent with child or children as a consequence of rape falling under Section 4(a)(1) of this Act: 

- Birth certificate/s of the child or children;

- Complaint affidavit;

- Medical record on the incident of rape; and

- Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent has the sole parental care and support of the child or children at the time of the execution of affidavit: Provided, That for purposes of issuance of subsequent SPIC or booklet, only the sworn affidavit shall be submitted every year.

(b) For the solo parent on account of the death of the spouse falling under Section 4(a)(2) of this Act:

- Birth certificate/s of the child or children;

- Marriage certificate;

- Death certificate of the spouse; and

- Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner of co-parent. and has the sole parental care and support of the child or children: Provided, That for purposes of issuance of subsequent SPIC or booklet, only the sworn affidavit shall be submitted every year;

(c) For the solo parent on account of the detention or criminal conviction of the spouse falling under Section 4(a)(3) of this Act:

- Birth certificate/s of the child or children;

- Marriage certificate;

- Certificate of detention or a certification that the spouse is serving sentence for at least three (3) months issued by the law enforcement agency having actual custody of the detained spouse, or commitment order issued by the court pursuant to a conviction of the spouse; and

- Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner or co-parent, and has sole parental care and support of the child or children: Provided, That for purposes of issuance of subsequent SPIC or booklet, requirement numbers (3) and (4) under this paragraph shall be submitted every year

(d) For solo parent on account of physical or mental incapacity of the spouse falling under Section 4(a)(4) of this Act:

- Birth certificate/s of the child or children;

- Marriage certificate or affidavit of cohabitation;

- Medical record or medical abstract evidencing the physical or mental state of the incapacitated spouse issued not more than three (3) months before the submission; and

- Sworn affidavit that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner or co-parent, and has sole parental care and support of the child or children: Provided, That for purposes of issuance of subsequent SPIC or booklet, requirement numbers (3) and (4) under this paragraph shall be submitted every year.

(e) For the solo parent on account of legal or de facto separation of spouse falling under Section 4(a)(5) of this Act:

- Birth certificate/s of the child or children;

- Marriage certificate;

- Judicial decree of legal separation of the spouses or, in the case of de facto separation, an affidavit of two (2) disintegrated persons attesting to the fact of separation of the spouses; and

- Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner or co-parent, and has sole parental care and support of the child or children: Provided, That for purposes of issuance of subsequent SPIC or booklet, requirement numbers (3) and (4) under this paragraph shall be submitted every year.

(f) For the solo parent on account of declaration of nullity or annulment Of marriage falling under Section 4(a)(6) of this Act:

- Birth certificate/s of the child or children;

- Marriage certificate;

- Judicial decree of nullity or annulment of marriage or judicial recognition of foreign divorce; and

- Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner or co-parent, and has sole parental care and support of the child or children: Provided, That for purposes of issuance of subsequent SPIC or booklet, requirement numbers (3) and (4) under this paragraph shall be submitted every year.

(g) For the solo parent on account of abandonment by the spouse falling under Section 4(a)(7) of this Act:

- Birth certificate/s of the child or children;

- Marriage certificate or affidavit of the applicant solo parent;

- Affidavit of two (2) disinterested persons attesting to the abandonment of the spouse;

- Police or barangay record of the fact of abandonment; and

- Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner or co-parent, and has sole parental care and support of the child or children: Provided, That for purposes of issuance of subsequent SPIC or booklet, only sworn affidavit shall be submitted every year

(h) For the spouse or any family member of an OFW falling under Section 4(b) of this Act:

- Birth certificate/s of the child or children;

- Marnage certificate of the applicant;

- Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) or its equivalent document;

- Copy of passport stamps showing continuous twelve (12) months of overseas work;

- In case Of the unavailability Of the passport stamps, a Certification from the Bureau Of Immigration showing overseas work for twelve (12) continuous months may be submitted.

- Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner or co-parent, and has sole parental care and support of the child or children: Provided, That for purposes of issuance of subsequent SPIC booklet, requirement numbers (3), (4), (5), and (6) under this paragraph shall be submitted every year.

(i) For the unmarried father or mother who keeps and rears the child or children falling under Section 4(c) of this Act:

- Birth certificate/s of the child or children;

- Certificate of NO Marriage (CENOMAR):

-  Affidavit of a barangay official attesting that the solo parent is a resident of the barangay and that the children are under the parental care and Support of the applicant solo parent; and

- Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner or co-parent, and has sole parental care and support of the child or children: Provided, That for purposes of issuance of subsequent SPIC or booklet, requirement numbers (2), (3) and (4) under this paragraph shall be submitted every year.

(j) For the solo parent who is a legal guardian, adoptive or foster parent falling under Section 4(d) of this Act:

- Birth certificate/s of the child or children;

- Proof of guardianship, foster care or adoption;

- Affidavit of a barangay official attesting that the solo parent is a resident of the barangay and that the children are under the parental care and support of the applicant solo parent; and

- Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner or co-parent, and has sole parental care and support of the child or children: Provided, That for purposes of issuance of subsequent SPIC or booklet, requirement numbers (3) and (4) under this paragraph shall be submitted every year.

(k) For any relative within the fourth (4th) civil degree of consanguinity or affinity of the parent or legal guardian who assumes parental care and support of the child or children falling under Section 4(e) of this Act:

- Birth certificate/s of the child or children;

- Death certificate of the parents or legal guardian, or police or barangay records evidencing the fact of disappearance or absence of parent or legal guardian for at least six (6) months;

- Affidavit of a barangay official attesting that the solo parent is a resident of the barangay and that the children are under the parental care and support of the applicant solo parent; and

(4) Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner or co-parent, and has sole parental care and support of the child or children: Provided, That for purposes of issuance of subsequent SPIC or booklet, requirement numbers (3) and (4) under this paragraph shall be submitted every year.

(l) For the solo parent who is pregnant woman falling under Section 4(f) of this Act:

- Medical record of her pregnancy;

- Affidavit of a barangay official attesting that the solo parent is a resident of the barangay and that the children are under the parental care and support of the applicant solo parent; and

- Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner or co-parent, and has sole parental care and support of the child or children.

(m) For the solo parent availing subsidy and discounts provided for under this Ordinance, the following additional documentary requirements shall be submitted:

-  Affidavit of no employment;

-  Income Tax Return (ITR);

- Social case study issued by the DSWD; or

- Any verifiable proof of income.

“In all of the categories of solo parents, an Affidavit of a barangay official attesting that the solo parent is a resident of the barangay and that the child or children is/are under the parental care and support of the solo parent shall be required,” the ordinance stated. 

It added that “all applications for the issuance of Solo Parent's Identification Card together with the documentary requirements mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, shall be submitted to the Social Services Department (SSD), which thereafter shall evaluate and verify the applications and documents submitted and assess whether the claiming solo parent is eligible and qualified.” 

“When a solo parent, as defined under this Ordinance, ceases to be such by reason of change of status and circumstances, the said solo parent shall be ineligible to avail of the Solo Parent Identification Card under this Ordinance,” it added.