Nedy Tantoco’s legacy through her son’s eyes

The Gawad CCP Para Sa Sining honors the late Zenaida "Nedy" Tantoco, a beloved figure in the arts, with a special award the Tanging Parangal.

The shoes that the late Zenaida “Nedy” Tantoco wore were too big to fill, especially with her contributions and support to Philippine arts and culture.

Her support had profoundly impacted the growth and support of the arts and cultural activities in the country, which the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) recognized by her selection to receive this year’s Gawad CCP Para Sa Sining Tanging Parangal.

Zenaida "Nedy" Tantoco

A visionary and prominent figure in the nation’s premium retail industry, Nedy was a member of the CCP Board of Trustees (BOT) and served for culture and the arts institution for almost two decades, from 2002 to 2021. Her unwavering passion for the culture and arts was evident throughout her tenure.

In an interview, Anton Huang, Nedy’s eldest son, looked back at the life lessons from his late mother. “I believe an important aspect and lesson that I’ve learned from her was cultural awareness, something that my mother was incredibly passionate about, as could be seen in the many projects that she organized
and developed over the years,” Anton recalled.

Anton believed that his mother’s understanding of “cultural awareness” was deeply evolved and influenced her role as a business leader.

“Cultural awareness is part and parcel of not only one’s personal growth, but also creating meaning for the businesses that one creates and grows,” Anton said.

It was something that she developed and shared with her parents, Ambassador Bienvenido Tantoco and Glecy Rustia Tantoco, who were likewise fervent about the arts and culture as a whole.

Nedy also took on a vital role in the revival of the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra Society, Inc. (PPOSI), the support organization for the country’s premier orchestra, the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra (PPO). She raised funds for the purchase of new musical instruments and their repair, as well as assistance for retiring PPO members.

Anton Huang

Through the Tantoco-Rustia Foundation, Nedy sponsored art exhibits, provided educational scholarship programs, and extended support to various communities and organizations.

When asked about keeping his mother’s legacy alive, Anton admits that “it is a tough act to follow.”

“I would like to try my best to continue building upon the legacy that she has left behind, specifically with the many musical talents that she had helped develop and supported over the years,” Anton said.

The posthumous recognition for Nedy through the Gawad CCP Para Sining, the highest award given by the premier arts institution to those who have made outstanding contributions to Philippine culture, represents a great honor to the philanthropist herself, as well as to her entire family.

“I genuinely wish that she were alive to receive this prestigious recognition accorded to her by the CCP and her peers in the arts and culture in the Philippines,” Anton said.

The awarding ceremony for the Gawad CCP Para sa Sining is happening on Sept. 20, 2024, at 7 p.m. at the Samsung Performing Arts Theater, coinciding with the CCP's 55th anniversary celebration.