Man of the World 2024 Sergio Azuaga spreads cheer among kids at Tomas Earnshaw Elementary School

At a glance

  • This event marks the beginning of a continued partnership, as Sergio's reign will see more initiatives to expand the reach of such philanthropic efforts.

Man of the World 2024 Sergio Azuaga 

Newly crowned Man of the World 2024 Sergio Azuaga commenced his yearlong reign with a visit to Tomas Earnshaw Elementary School in Punta, Santa Ana.

During his education tour last Aug. 8, Sergio underscored his commitment to promoting education for all — an essential pillar of the Man of the World Organization’s mission.

The primary goal of Sergio’s visit was to share educational resources to aid the children in their learning journey. Aligned with the Man of the World’s advocacy for education, this initiative exemplifies "Masculinity with Responsibility," a value Sergio embodies as he takes on his ambassadorial role.


Reflecting on the event, the Venezuelan pageant king shared, “This has been a heartwarming event that we would want to do continually. It’s about giving back the love that I receive from you. This is truly amazing.”

The Man of the World Organization, in cooperation with Queens Wellness and Beauty Center and June Laxa of Laxa Legacy, organized the charity event, donating much-needed school supplies such as notebooks and pencils. 


However, the most inspiring aspect of the event was not just the materials provided, but the warmth and smiles shared among Sergio, the students, the teachers, and the Man of the World team. This connection has fueled a desire to do even more for the community.


The school’s teachers were charmed by Sergio's charisma and dedication, expressing their hope that this activity would inspire others. They noted the joy it brought to students who had the chance to meet Sergio along the hallways.

Queens Wellness and Beauty Center, as the primary donor, showcased its strong commitment to community service and education. Laxa Legacy Production, under the leadership of June Laxa, played a crucial role in supporting this charitable cause. 


This event marks the beginning of a continued partnership, as Sergio's reign will see more initiatives to expand the reach of such philanthropic efforts.


Looking ahead, Sergio plans to collaborate closely with schools, especially those affected by the recent metro flooding, to identify their needs and organize further charity events. With the support of partners and sponsors, his education tour will continue to grow, impacting many more young lives.

The visit to Tomas Earnshaw Elementary School was only the beginning. The Man of the World Organization and Sergio planned to visit more schools in the coming months, ensuring the long-term impact of their educational advocacy.

Since its inception in 2017, the Man of the World pageant has been dedicated to promoting education for all. Sergio's initiatives continue this mission, building on the successes of past titleholders and ensuring the legacy of "Masculinity with Responsibility" lives on.