Filipino gamers among global gaming leaders, devoting 1:15 hours daily

The Philippines has secured the sixth spot globally for the highest average daily hours spent gaming, aligning closely with the gaming habits of the United States, a study by Mobile Premier League (MPL) showed.

According to MPL, Filipino gamers dedicate approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes each day to gaming, mirroring the playtime seen among gamers in the United States. 

Mobile gaming emerges as a favored choice among Filipino players due to its accessibility, with popular game genres including battle royales, multiplayer online battle arena games, and action-packed titles, MPL said.

The global gaming landscape boasts an estimated 3.2 billion gamers, signifying the widespread popularity of gaming as a primary form of entertainment that transcends borders.

Egypt leads the list of top countries in gaming engagement, with gamers spending 1 hour and 43 minutes daily on average. Following closely are Saudi Arabia with 1 hour and 36 minutes and Thailand with 1 hour and 29 minutes.