Smart blocks over 615,000 scammers in first half

Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart) reiterated its compliance to the SIM Registration law, having incorporated the necessary enhancements and verification mechanisms that the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) had required all telcos to implement in December last year.

In a report submitted to the Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC), Smart also informed CICC about its SMS blocking efforts that has resulted in the blocking of a significant number of fraudulent SMS messages and mobile numbers. 

In the first six months of this year, Smart has blacklisted more than 615,788 mobile numbers tied to illicit and fraudulent activities, including spamming and SMShing scams. 

This number includes fraudulently registered SIMs, purged through Smart's strict validation process of all SIM registrations. 

Additionally, Smart also assured CICC through its report, that it is investing significantly and continuously improving its SMS blocking systems, as the landscape of messaging scams constantly evolves. 

It is also actively engaging its provincial distributors, regional dealers and other trade partners to ensure the security and integrity of the sale and distribution process of Smart SIMs. 

Likewise, the group’s ongoing information campaigns continues to share practical tips on identifying techniques used by scammers to run their fraudulent activities.

“We remain committed to safeguarding our customers and ensuring the integrity of our services. We will continue to invest in advanced technologies and collaborate with industry partners and regulatory bodies to protect our users from fraudulent activities,” said Smart Vice President and Head of Regulatory Affairs Roy Ibay.