Quezon City Public Library invites QCitizens to join computer tutorial session on July 19

The Quezon City Public Library (QCPL) is urging QCitizens to participate in a computer tutorial session on July 19 at the QCPL.

(Photo from Quezon City Public Library/Manila Bulletin)

The event, dubbed "Tech Time: Basic Computer Tutorial," aims to enhance participants' skills and knowledge in technology.

Participants aged 16 to 50 will receive practical tips and tricks to improve their computer proficiency.

The session will also include interactive question-and-answer segments.

QCitizens interested in joining should scan the QR code below or click the https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEzGpnv5JDMNXBkZ68uBuHb-9vzgzBYRjYORoACGcb2d7T9A/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 )

Participants can also visit the QCPL Cubao Branch to register in person.

The QCPL said the activity is limited to 20 participants only.