Binay, Alan Cayetano clash at Senate panel hearing on New Senate Building

A heated exchange erupted between Senators Nancy Binay and Alan Peter Cayetano during the first Senate panel hearing that seeks to review the construction of the New Senate Building (NSB) on Wednesday, July 3.

Sen. Alan Peter S. Cayetano presides over the Committee on Accounts hearing to review the new Senate building project in a bid to have a clear completion date, cost, and design, and understand the process in which the design revisions are developed and approved during Wednesday’s hearing, July 3, 2024.

Binay walked out of the hearing, which is her first meeting with Cayetano since Senate President Francis "Chiz" Escudero disclosed during a flag-raising ceremony last June 10 that there was a need to review the NSB, stating that the expenses needed for its construction ballooned to P23 billion.

Binay has since stated in several interviews that the P23 billion is false.

The tit-for-tat between Binay and Cayetano also centered on the total cost to construct the NSB. Cayetano insists that the P23 billion figure came from Binay's staff. Binay pointed out that the total "cost of construction of the building" is being discussed, but Cayetano argued it's the "total cost of the building".

"Mr. Chairman 'pag nagpapagawa ka ng bahay hindi kasama yung bibilhin mong refrigerator saka TV as cost of the building (When you're building your house it does not include buying appliances such as your refrigerator and TV)," Binay said.

Their discussion then went to Binay's statement a day before the hearing wherein she stated that she couldn't help but feel that the NSB review has something to do with Makati and Taguig City's territorial dispute.

Cayetano went on to accuse Binay that it was her who provided those questions for the media to ask.

"Naka-sampung interview ka, 'baka naman eto naman yung Makati-Taguig' eh hindi mo man lang iniba yung question dun sa radyo lahat sila pare-pareho question eksakto pa edi halatang ikaw nagbigay ng question (You had 10 interview saying 'maybe this involves Makati-Taguig' and you didn't even bother to change the questions in the radio, all of them have the same exact questions it's obvious that it's from you)," Cayetano said.

"Sampung interview eksakto lahat ng questions, coincidence? Ang galing mo naman (In 10 interviews, the questions were exactly the same, is that a coincidence? That's amazing)," he added.

In the middle of their argument, Cayetano apologized to members of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) saying that the issue is clear and that Binay was there to cause disarray. Cayetano continued to point out that Binay has been going to several interviews stating that someone is backstabbing her.

But Binay replied that she never mentioned any name during her interviews.

"Sinabi ko bang Alan Peter Cayetano ang sumasaksak sa akin? Diba sabi nila yung nagrereact nang ganyan, baka guilty (Did I say that Alan Peter Cayetano was saying something behind my back? I think those who react like that, they're the guilty ones)," she said.

"Ma'am basta sabihin ko sayo, Lourdes ang pangalan mo, hindi Marites. Kaya ayusin natin 'to. Nakakahiya na (I just want to tell you, your name is Lourdes, not Marites. So let's fix this. This is embarassing)," Cayetano answered back.

Before Binay left, Cayetano still insisted that the total cost of the NSB is P21.7 billion and it became P23 billion because of the land acquisition yet Binay said that the lot is not under the DPWH.

"On your end, nag-eexist ba sa documents nyo ang amount na P23-B? (On your end, does P23B exist in your documents?)" Binay asked.

DPWH Usec. Emil Sadain replied: "There is none, Mr. Chair".

"Thank you, Mr Chairman. I made my point there is no such thing as P23-B sa DPWH," she said before leaving.

Media insinuations

In a statement, Binay said that she strongly condemns Cayetano's insinuations that members of the Senate Media and radio anchors can be swayed or influenced by senators.

"This is an an insult to members of the Senate media and an affront to the journalistic profession," she said.

"We respect our colleagues from the media and uphold the ideals of press freedom," she added.