AFP urges remaining Reds to surrender, unite for a bigger security challenge

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) urged the remaining fighters of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) to surrender following the deadly clash in Nueva Ecija last week that left at least seven communist rebels dead.

In calling for surrender, AFP spokesperson Col. Margareth Padilla was short of saying that the armed struggle is pointless at this point, especially that the national government has been pursuing peace and development that would benefit the Filipino people.

“The government has a number of programs for your integration to the society that will provide good life for you and your family,” said Padilla.

On Wednesday last week, police and soldiers clashed with a group of communist rebels in Barangay Malbang in the town of Pantabangan.

The clash resulted in the death of seven communist rebels and the confiscation of several high-powered firearms that include M16 and M14 rifles. 

AFP chief of staff Gen. Romeo Brawner earlier said that from 11 guerrilla fronts since the start of the Marcos administration in 2022, the number was already reduced to seven.

“We have already dismantled four and our operations are ongoing against the remaining guerrilla fronts,” said Brawner.

For her part, Padilla said now is the time to unite amid another challenge that the country faces: “Through unity, we will be able to strengthen our external defense and to secure our sovereignty. Let us work together for peaceful and secured Philippines.”