Mayor Duterte welcomes new DCPO chief, gives him benefit of the doubt

DAVAO CITY – Davao City Mayor Sebastian Z. Duterte said on Sunday, July 28, that he would accept Davao City Police Office (DCPO) acting director Police Col. Hansel Marantan but would extend him the benefit of the doubt.


Marantan formally introduced himself to the city mayor in a courtesy call last week at the Matina Enclaves.

According to the police director, this was his first time meeting Duterte, whose directive is to protect the people here.

Speaking in his podcast dubbed “Basta Dabawenyo,” Duterte confirmed he met Marantan who he recalled did the talking. He said he briefed the police officer about Davao City and the complexities of the place.

Duterte ordered Marantan to uphold the status quo here, especially since the Kadayawan Festival is fast approaching. He said the mobilization of government authorities for such a significant event is wide as people come and go.

The mayor emphasized that Marantan has so many things he needs to monitor in Davao City, which he believes that he will be able to handle as he has many experienced personnel who can advise him.

“Just maintain the status quo…that’s the crucial part. But no matter what I say to him (Marantan), I don’t think it would matter, given the situation the Philippine National Police (PNP) put me in. I doubt he will listen,” Duterte said.

When asked whether Marantan sought his support or commitment during their meeting, Duterte said there was no such conversation. He added that he honestly told Marantan that he would give him the benefit of the doubt, hoping Marantan would do his job.

Duterte re-echoed his sentiment on the sudden changes in the DCPO and the PNP overall. He said  Police Regional Office-11 Director Police Brig. Gen. Nicolas Torre admitted, using his conclusion, without any theoretical framework, why Marantan was placed in the DCPO.

“As I mentioned before, let’s leave that to them. After all, it is their responsibility. They are working under oath and must serve and protect the people. Let us entrust that to them. It seems they know what they are doing and do not need my consultation,” Duterte said.

The disappointed mayor said that whatever happens here, he would not be surprised since there are many extraordinary movements within the PNP in the Davao region and this city. He added that Torre accused his men of creating false reports without proper basis.

Duterte said the way Torre is behaving, if he is not stupid, somebody is telling him what to do. He added that he would welcome Marantan as he has not said or done anything wrong, unlike Torre, who has been saying all sorts of things.

“I would not beat around the bush. If you are being used for politics, we can do nothing about it. What more is there to discuss?” he said, adding that Torre’s perception and conclusion about the peace and order situation here is unusual as he has only been assigned to his office recently.

Meanwhile, a movement to reinstate the 19 station commanders who had been relieved  from the DCPO and reassigned to other Davao region police offices and remove Marantan from his post is gaining momentum.

According to the chairwoman of the Committee on Peace and Order of the Davao City Council 
Councilor Luna Maria Dominique Acosta, the petitioners dismissed PNP spokesperson Police Col. Jean Fajardo’s claim on the reassignment of the 19 station commanders as unfounded, saying she did not provide any data.

Petitioners also mentioned that, as Davao City residents, it is appropriate for them to voice their disapproval of the actions taken against the police here and the appointment of Marantan, Acosta said.

Torre, who has yet to review the petition, earlier directed the relief of the 19 police officers after learning about the 22 murders and 41 rape cases in Davao City from January to May this year. The PRO-11 has aired serious concerns with crime statistics and slow police response.

The PRO-11 said that a DCPO report indicated a community where homicides occur seven times more often than physical assaults which contradicts this city’s reputation as being extremely safe. The PRO-11 emphasized the necessity of accurate crime reporting to understand peace and order.

After the reassignment of the former DCPO acting director and the 19 police station commanders, Police Col. Lito Patay was appointed as the new DCPO head. But he was replaced by Police Col. Sherwin Butil hours after he assumed office.

Butil had barely warmed his seat when he was replaced by Marantan, which confused the city mayor and other officials here. Duterte said he needed to be informed about the reorganization and appointment of the new city police director.