On your thirty-first


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I write this to my sister as she turns 31. 


Dearest Mic, 


As the sun sets on the eve of your 30th birthday, I cannot help but think about what a whirlwind of a year it has been, and how I could not have done it without you. As the universe always does, you once again, saved the day, and happened to be at the right place, at the right time when I got hospitalized after what I thought would be just a usual check-up. You came around like you always do, and for someone who panics about the slightest, your composure when it matters most never ceases to amaze me. 


This year has been one of progress for you. I am happiest seeing you loving the life you are living – not without complaints, of course, but finally pursuing a passion. You have essentially always been my baby, but now that I have a real one, it warms my heart whenever I see you love, and treat him like your own. I will never forget the day you held him in the NICU for the first time – the first one too among us all – wires and all, tears rolling down your face as I laughed, and as you tried to control your emotions. I knew from that moment your connection with him would be special, and ever blessed is he to have you as his nini


So on your 31st, may you always remember that no matter how dark a day may be, the sun will always shine again, and ever so brightly it will. Wade in the shallow, and smile at the small things, but ride those waves, enjoy the journey and marvel at the depths that life gives. Face your fears, and never let them get the best of you. Take lessons in stride, and learn from the past. May you always stay true to yourself – unashamed, and ever so passionate about whatever you are currently obsessing over. May you continue to live your life with zest and grit, and may the courage to pursue your dreams continuously guide you. I pray that true love finds you, but till then, surrender to God’s plan, and His perfect timing. 


Your best is yet to come. May you learn to dance in the rain, and always find the sun shining bright on whatever you set your heart out to do. 


