Rep. Castro, Satur Ocampo appeal child abuse conviction

DAVAO CITY – ACT-Teachers party-list Rep. France Castro, former Bayan Muna president Satur Ocampo, and 11 others who were convicted of child abuse filed an appeal before the Tagum City Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 2 on Monday, July 22.

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Their counsels filed a five-page notice asking the trial court to give due course on their appeal.

Also convicted were Maria Eugenia Victoria Nolasco, Jesus Madamo, Meriro Poquita, Maricel Andagkit, Marcial Rendon, Marianie Aga, Jenevive Paraba, Nerhaya Talledo, Maria Concepcion Ibarra, Nerfa Awing, and Wingwing Daunsay.

They were found guilty of violating Section 10(a), Article VI of Republic Act 7610,  the Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act, for exploiting 14 Lumad students of the Salugpongan Ta Tanu Ingkanogan Community Learning Center Inc. in Talaingod, Davao del Norte.

The accused, who were sentenced to imprisonment of four years, nine months, and 11 days as minimum to six years, eight months, and one day as maximum, were among the right-based advocates collectively known as the “Talaingod 18” who organized a national solidarity and fact-finding mission on November 28, 2018 in Talaingod

The court ordered them to pay P10,000 as civil indemnity and additional P10,000 as moral damages to each of the minor victims.

The court acquitted Pastor Edgal Ugal, Rev. Ryan C. Magpayo, Eller A. Ordeniza, and Rev. Jurie Jaime for failure of the prosecution to establish their guilt.