PDEA: 4 'drug dealers' nabbed in Leyte buy-bust


Government anti-narcotics authorities seized on Friday, July19, arrested four suspected drug dealers in a buy-bust operation in Ormoc City, Leyte.

In the initial report, the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Regional Office 8 said that alleged drug maintainer Nelmar Paylado, 36; Mark Nikko Paylado, 34; Sammy Camugal, 24 and Kenneth Coloraton, 25 were nabbed at around 6:30 p.m. in District 28, Barangay East.

The joint PDEA and police team confiscated six sachets containing suspected shabu, a brown coin purse, three disposable lighters, an improvised burner, two strips of aluminum foil with shabu residue, an improvised glass tooter, one improvised decanter, a roll of aluminum foil and the P500 bill buy bust money.

After the operation, the authorities immediately dismantled the drug den which has been the subject of numerous complaints from the community.

The suspects face charges for violation of Sections 5 (sale, trading of dangerous drugs), 6 (maintenance of drug den), 7 (visitors, employees of drug den), 11 (possession of dangerous drugs), 12 (possession of apparatus, equipment, instrument) and 15 (use of dangerous drugs) of Republic Act (RA) 9165.