Seven Filipino university teams competing in 2024 Shell Eco-marathon in Indonesia


As Shell Pilipinas celebrates its 110th anniversary, seven teams from various Philippine universities are preparing to showcase their engineering prowess in Lombok, Indonesia, at the Shell Eco-marathon 2024 Asia Pacific and Middle East (APME) competition. This global academic program challenges student teams to design and build energy-efficient vehicles capable of covering long distances, aiming to push the boundaries of technical possibility and inspire future leaders in energy solutions.

Representing the Philippines are teams from Mapúa University, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan, Adamson University, University of Mindanao, Jose Rizal University, and De La Salle University Manila.


Since its inception in 1985, the Shell Eco-marathon has been a platform for students worldwide to demonstrate their capabilities in exploring sustainable innovation and excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) principles. The competition, aside from testing the students’ technical skills, also seeks to inspire them to become future scientists and engineers, aligning with Shell's mission of providing an abundance of cleaner energy solutions.

Serge Bernal, Shell Pilipinas Vice President of Corporate Relations, led the send-off luncheon for the seven Filipino student teams preparing to compete in the Shell Eco-marathon 2024 Asia Pacific and Middle East (APME) competition in Lombok, Indonesia.


Serge Bernal, Shell Pilipinas Vice President of Corporate Relations, emphasized the importance of this initiative, stating, "The Shell Eco-marathon is a platform to promote STEM. It also offers a unique opportunity to connect with individuals from various countries around the world."

Team Siklab Rizal of Jose Rizal University

Representing the Philippines in this prestigious competition are teams from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan, Mapua University, Adamson University, University of Mindanao, Jose Rizal University, and De La Salle University Manila. These teams are showcasing the best of Filipino engineering talent, each striving to create the most energy-efficient and sustainable forms of transportation.

Hygears of Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Miguel Licuanan, Hygears Team Manager from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, reflected on the collaborative nature of the competition, saying, "When we encounter challenges along the way, people become the most powerful tool. We solve problems and can find solutions in various ways, allowing us to see the potential in each situation."

Wildcats of University of Mindanao

The Shell Eco-marathon promotes values such as perseverance, collaboration, and innovation, which are crucial for the success of the participating teams as they work towards breakthroughs in energy efficiency and sustainable technology. Through the design, engineering, and production of the vehicles, this competition provides an advancement of skills that will be vital in the students’ future careers.

Cardinal One of Mapúa University


Karise Evangeline Carlos, Cardinal One Team Manager from Mapúa University, highlighted the learning experience provided by the competition, stating, "As engineers, we are problem-solvers. Sometimes we fail, sometimes we succeed. Here at Shell Eco-marathon, we developed soft skills and hard skills that we can apply in our engineering fields and future careers."

Mekan-Eco of Xavier University – Ateneo De Cagayan


The Shell Eco-marathon is aligned with the Philippine government's roadmap for advancing science and technology. It plays a crucial role in nurturing young talent in the STEM field. By participating in this competition, students gain invaluable experience and contribute to the country's goal of producing highly competent professionals ready to lead in STEM fields globally.

Team Kalasag of Adamson University


Bernal further commented on the broader impact of the program, saying, "By providing a platform for these bright minds to shine, Shell is paving the way for a future where technology and sustainability go hand in hand."

Eco Archers of De La Salle University


As these young engineers from prepare to compete on an international stage, they not only represent their universities, but also the future of our country’s scientific minds.The experience they gain and the challenges they overcome will undoubtedly contribute to their growth as future leaders in the field, as well as give us further insight into the development of energy-efficient and sustainable technological innovation.