Massive education campaign on Philippine Eagle slated in Davao de Oro

NABUNTURAN, Davao de Oro – The Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office, Philippine Eagle Foundation, and different law enforcement agencies are set to embark on a massive information and education campaign next month for the protection of the Philippine Eagles and other wildlife in the province. 

In a multi-agency coordination meeting co-organized by the PENRO and PEF, representatives from the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Davao de Oro Provincial Police Office (DDOPPO), and the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) have agreed to collaborate in conducting further investigation to identify the suspect behind the shooting of the critically endangered Philippine Eagle last week.  


OFFICIALS from Davao de Oro discuss a massive information and education campaign on the Philippine Eagle.    

On July 8, residents and the Philippine Army rescued a wounded eagle in the hinterlands of Mangayon, one of the most remote barangays in Compostela town, Davao de Oro. 

Personnel from the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office informed the PEF in Davao City to retrieve the eagle. 

The eagle, which was eventually named “Mangayon,” was immediately taken to this city but died while being treated due to severe blood loss on the same day. 

Police Lt. Col. Gomersendo Diwata, chief of the Directorate for Investigation Detective Management of the DDOPPO, said that local police are still conducting follow-up investigation to identify the shooter.

But initial information bared that the shooter might not be from the area where the eagle was recovered. 

First Lt. Edencio Pulmon, commanding officer of the Bravo Company of the 25th Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army, said that the suspect may not be from the barangay since they also showed some concerns on the eagle and eventually turned over the injured raptor to the Army. 

The soldiers transported the injured avian to the town proper and turned over the local government.

Don Albert Faustino, intelligence officer of the NBI-Davao region, also vowed to assist in the investigation through their office in Tagum City in Davao del Norte. 

CENRO Gretel Basoc disclosed that there are only five households in the area where the eagle was retrieved. Basoc believes that Mangayon may have been shot somewhere else.  

"Based on our own investigation, it appears that the eagle was not shot in the area.  Maybe the eagle was able to fly from a distance and that's where he landed after being shot," he said.

According to residents, Basoc said, more than three other eagles that have been sighted in the area. 

He added that residents spotted a raptor carrying a monkey at least once a month. 

Prior to the shooting of Mangayon, Basoc disclosed that his office conducted an education and information campaign on wildlife conservation in the village. 

The injured eagle was recovered by residents at least a kilometer away from Sitio Bermuda in Barangay Mangayon, about 10 kilometers away from the Compostela town center. 

PEF Director for Operations Jayson Ibañez believes that there could be a parent eagle in the area since Mangayon was an immature eagle about two- to three-years-old. 

Ibañez added that forested areas in the neighboring province of Davao Oriental are known nesting sites of Philippine Eagles. 

Davao de Oro shares its boundary with the provinces of Agusan del Sur, Davao del Norte, and Davao Oriental. 

Compostela Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office Jessy Marron said that he was surprised to learn that there was an eagle in the hinterlands of the municipality. 

Marron added that it was only then that he learned from residents about the reported sightings of the three Philippine Eagles. 

"I have only heard about the sightings before  in the neighboring town of Maragusan," he said in a separate meeting with PEF and DENR.

Massive IEC

Davao de Oro PENRO chief Rita Fe Gunn acknowledged that there is a need to intensify IEC efforts especially in hinterland communities. 

With the reported presence of eagles in the area, Gunn vowed to conduct IEC activities as soon as possible to protect not just the remaining raptors but other wildlife in the area. 



As part of the intensified campaign effort, the PENRO and PEF will also hold learning sessions with personnel from Army and police early next month. 

Gunn acknowledged the vital role of the army and police since some of them are deployed in remote areas. 
Ibañez said the PEF will send their staff to conduct IEC campaigns and basic first aid on raptors. 

Diwata recommended that there should be police personnel in every IEC campaign in the communities.

"Aside from having security, it will make a difference if the police officers  will  help explain to them that harming the Philippine Eagle is a crime,"  he said.

As a national bird, the Philippine Eagle is protected under the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act. 

Killing an eagle is punishable by 12 years imprisonment and fines. 

Faustino suggested that IEC materials be written in local dialect and must be understood even among elementary students.

Confiscate ‘jolen’ guns

The PEF said that 20 injured eagles have been rescued since 2020.  

More than half of them sustained injuries from air guns and jolen guns, said Ibañez. 

The PEF has been appealing to authorities to confiscate jolen guns as well as regulate possession of air guns. 

Diwata assured the PEF that they will intensify their campaign against jolen guns since it can injure human. 

"We have seized some jolen guns before because it was used in committing a crime, we have actually filed a case on that incident," he recalled. 

Pulmon also echoed the police officer's assurance, saying that they have been confiscating any homemade guns within their area of responsibility to prevent being mistaken as communist rebels. 

He added that some jolen guns are customized like real rifles like M-16 Armalites. 

Davao de Oro was once a known hotbed of New People’s Army (NPA). 

While the massive IEC is set to kick off in the first week of August, the PENRO chief said she could not wait for the scheduled sessions with PEF personnel.