Completion of Cebu-Bohol transmission interconnection to improve Bohol, Luzon power supply

At a glance

  • The government has been aggressively pushing system operator National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) to pursue reinforcement, upgrading as well as expansion of the country’s transmission facilities as this will not only underpin the inflow of new investments in the power sector; but will also be the linchpin to the country’s quest for energy reliability and security.

  • Nevertheless, the transmission firm has been batting for timely recovery of invested capital so it can seamlessly implement programmed projects.

The full completion of the 230-kilovolt Cebu-Bohol interconnection project will decongest power supply flow in the tourist-haven Bohol; and will also have positive spillover effect to improving power supply in the Luzon grid by taking the edge off on the existing Leyte-Bohol submarine cable.

According to the Department of Energy (DOE), the greater impact of the transmission facility’s commercial operations would be easing Bohol ratepayers’ burden on higher electricity rates, because it can already draw supply from more competitive sources compared to its traditional heavy reliance on diesel-fed generation.

The department noted that the initial landmark achievement to the full loop of the transmission linkup had been the energization last July 16 of the 230kV Dumanjug-Corella Line 1 and Dumanjug 70 megavolt-amperes reactive (MVAR) components of the interconnected facility.

The linked-up transmission assets will have load transfer capacity of 600MW; and that enables the sharing of capacity from the generation plants in Cebu to the load network of Bohol; apart from ensuring more reliable power supply for the area.

“This milestone is crucial for Bohol, where electricity demand has been increasing with the influx of tourists in the province known for its signature attractions, white-sand beach areas and diving spots,” the DOE stressed.

The energy department reiterated that “the full completion of this project in December 2024 is expected to resolve congestion in the Leyte-Bohol 138 kV interconnection, which will unburden consumers from high electricity prices in the area.”

Energy Secretary Raphael P. M. Lotilla primarily emphasized “the importance of maintaining the stability and growth of the country's economy, supporting businesses, and attracting investments,” and the major backbone that shall support that would be “sufficient transmission capacity.”

The government has been aggressively pushing system operator National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) to pursue reinforcement, upgrading as well as expansion of the country’s transmission facilities as this will not only underpin the inflow of new investments in the power sector; but will also be the linchpin to the country’s quest for energy reliability and security.

The massive-scale buildout of variable RE facilities – such as solar and wind farms in particular – has been largely considered as among the challenges that the grid operator must prudently address in its next wave of project rollouts.

Beyond the Cebu-Bohol transmission interconnection, the government is also well pleased with the recent completion of the 500kV Hermosa-San Jose transmission project because that will greatly improve capacity wheeling of generated capacities sited in Bataan and Zambales areas.

"We recognize the efforts of the NGCP in completing this project and the assistance extended by various government agencies in overcoming permitting challenges that delayed the project," Lotilla asserted.

The DOE stated that the 8,000 carrying capacity of the new line will support the transport of 5,080 MW capacity from existing power plants and 2,554 MW that will come from committed power generation projects.

While breakthroughs had already been achieved on critical transmission projects, the DOE still reminded NGCP on the mandate of President Marcos for them to bring to commercial fruition the 70 key transmission projects under the Transmission Development Plan – including the proposed 230kV Batangas-Mindoro link-up.

Nevertheless, the transmission firm has been batting for timely recovery of invested capital so it can seamlessly implement programmed projects.