Dress code for SONA? Party-list solon welcomes it 

At a glance

  • Kusug Tausug Party-list Rep. Shernee Tan-Tambut has no issue at all with House Secretary-General Reginald Velasco's confirmation of a "dress code" for President Marcos' third State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 22.

IMG-ac5461bc6fc727e2e0e1b46a492691d0-V.jpgKusug Tausug Party-list Rep. Shernee Tan-Tambut (Rep. Tan-Tambut's office)










One of the best-dressed solons in the 19th Congress has no issue at all with House Secretary-General Reginald Velasco's confirmation of a "dress code" for President Marcos' third State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 22. 

Kusug Tausug Party-list Rep. Shernee Tan-Tambut even agrees with Velasco's justification for having a dress code during the event, which is hosted annually by the House of Representatives in Batasang Pambansa Complex. 

“Attendees must give due respect to the occasion and dress accordingly. I agree with Sec-Gen that there is a proper place and time for protest, and that is not at the SONA,” Tan-Tambut said. 

The lady lawmaker was referring to Velasco's earlier remarks wherein he said that guests who would come to the SONA with "protest wear" won't be allowed inside the House plenary, unless they change their wardrobe. 

Velasco said that the SONA should not be used for protest by the guests. He notes that there will he designated protest or demonstration areas outside Batasan. 

He specified words of protest and caricatures of personalities as prohibited imagery from the clothes of the SONA-goers. 

Tan-Tambut, chairperson of the Committee on Peace, Reconciliation, and Unity, says the SONA is a formal event that features the attendance of no less than the President so he may announce his plans for the next year as well as the legislation he needs to realize these plans. 

It will be attended by the highest officials of government, ambassadors of various countries and other dignitaries.  

Asked about her attire for the special event, the Mindanaoan teased that it will be made by a "local designer". 

Tan-Tambut also said her attire will reflect the history, culture, and traditions of her cultural community, the Tausug of Sulu. Her party-list means “strength of the Tausug". 




Delving deeper, the congresswoman said her SONA wear will recall the time when Sulu was a sultanate that ruled the southern parts of Mindanao and Borneo and actively traded in spices and pearls with various countries. 

Her dress will be accented by the pis syabit, a special cloth woven only in Sulu and, in the past, worn only on special occasions. 

The youngest child of Sulu Governor Abdusakur Tan, the party-list says she is very much in favor of attire that showcases Filipino artistry and culture. 

“We have a lot of world-class designers and very good modistas. We must support them so their talents will be known outside of our country. That way, we help create more jobs while we promote our culture,” she concluded.