Employers confident of more jobs

Employers have expressed confidence that there will be more jobs this year and in the coming years as the country continues to implement digitalization measures, but they also strongly urged for the upskilling of the Filipino workforce to meet the changing industry demands. 

The Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP) said as they hold the 45th National Conference of Employers (NCE) on June 25-26 at the Manila Hotel with the theme “Job Generation in a Technology-Driven Environment”. Executive Genesis Services, Inc. founder and CEO Rhoda Castro-Caliwara will head this year's NCE.

ECOP President Sergio Ortiz-Luis Jr. noted that this year and in the near future, most of the world’s economies will continue to recover and move toward the new normal. 

“The good news is that there will be higher demand for jobs. The bad news is that in most jobs, the skills needed have changed, and will continue to change,” said Ortiz-Luis. Among the change drivers and megatrends that affect the world of work, he said, technology has had the most impact on work and the workplace in recent years.

This year’s NCE aims to provide employers the opportunity to discuss with the government and other social partners’ key issues on employment, labor-management relations, and the general business climate as affected by the constantly changing environment.

Through the conference, employers, industry and business leaders, national leaders, foreign investors, chambers of commerce, and corporate executives are expected to come up with a collective position on industrial relations and socio-economic concerns. Policymakers are also invited as speakers and guests to provide employers with a roadmap, hear the conditions and challenges of business, and offer prescriptions and solutions. 

ECOP acknowledged that businessmen and employers continue to face challenges in doing business and managing their workers. 

“The time has come to identify the elephant in the room and address the issues related to what has emerged as the most difficult challenge – Technology in general, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), in particular. It is envisioned that as we transition to the next phase of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we shall see more humans and machines working together. To prepare the country for this inevitable scenario, education and training will play a major role in creating a globally competitive Filipino workforce,” ECOP said.

For her part, Caliwara said that "This year's NCE is poised to serve as a catalyst for positive change, driving progressive initiatives that empower employers, create employment opportunities, and foster economic resilience." she added.


Caliwara has been in the contracting-subcontracting business since 1993. Her company is engaged in service contracting around the Philippines.


She is currently the President of Women's Business Council Philippines (WomenBizPh), Chair of both Labor and Employment Committee and Philippine-Malaysia Business Council at the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), Member of the National Tripartite Industrial Peace Council (NTIPC) representing the employer sector. She also hosts NegoSHEnte, a TV show in GMA.