This fast-food restaurant strives to prove that fast-food jobs are opportunities for growth and success

Here’s how McDonald’s PH empowers its employees by providing a workplace that fosters growth

Working in a fast-food restaurant is often perceived as an excellent starting point for career growth and development, especially for students.

Fast-food giants are not only embracing this perception but are also taking active steps to enhance employee experiences and opportunities. A case in point, McDonald’s Philippines was recognized as one of the Philippines best employers in the list of The Philippines’ Best Employers for 2023 and 2024, because of its commitment to providing a work environment that maintains good management, provides government-mandated benefits, and fosters learning and growth among its employees.             


Whether a student, a professional seeking more experiences in the field, a person with disability, or even a senior citizen, its management can provide equal career-development opportunities to boost their potential, skills, and strengths that they can harness throughout their lifetime, in whichever path they want to pursue. 

From recruitment and training to recognition programs, McDonald’s Philippines makes sure that employees have the support they need from the start up to the time when they can already give and sustain peak performance. 

McDonald’s Philippines currently supports 60,000 employees in over 740 stores nationwide, further proving its position as one of the country’s biggest and best employers. Here’s how the quick service restaurant (QSR) giant sustains its place in the industry: 


Hands-on recruitment and global standard training     

McDonald’s training combines a variety of ways to acquire information, offering a blend of demonstration, simulation, and real-world application to immerse team members in learning. Believing that continuous reinforcement is key, rewards, and recognition are also built into the curriculum to spark a culture of growth and feedback among their teams.

More to this, their training philosophy is all about being timely and adaptable, ensuring every team member is well-equipped with the knowledge of procedures and policies towards being more competitive as they get to learn global processes and systems in the industry. Whether it's staying at the restaurant, climbing up the management ladder, or taking new career paths, McDonald's training instills invaluable life skills that go beyond just the workplace.

In the Philippines, there are initiatives like the Workforce Immersion Program (WIP) that offer senior high school students thrilling experiences in the fast-food industry to better prepare them for what may be ahead of them in the food service field.


Empowering and inclusive work culture to bring out full employee potential

An inclusive workplace not only benefits individual employees but also contributes to the overall success and sustainability of the organization. McDonald’s creates a positive work culture where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential.

Since operating in the country in 1981, they started with recognizing and addressing the needs of the country’s youth, the company has welcomed working students into its ranks, practicing non-contractualization and direct hiring to provide Filipino youth with job security while pursuing their college degrees.

McDonald’s also offers a Jobstart program for fresh college graduates and out-of-school youth in the Philippines. Starting with a 10-day life skills training program, beneficiaries receive support through allowances provided by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and the Public Employment Service Office (PESO).

In collaboration with various government agencies and organizations, McDonald's has spearheaded initiatives like the Special Program for Employment of Students (SPES) and the Alternative Workforce Program. 


Through these efforts, thousands of unemployed and out-of-school youth have been offered employment opportunities and work-based training positions, empowering them with the skills and resources necessary for their future success.

Moreover, the organization also extends employment opportunities to senior citizens and people with disabilities. In partnership with LGUs in Manila, Pasay, and Pasig, its employment has  close to 100 senior citizens and PWDs across its nationwide stores. They aim to partner with other LGUs this year to hire an additional 500 SCs and PWDs.

In terms of employee recognition, McDonald's puts effort into creating a positive environment for its employees by implementing programs and activities aimed at recognizing their efforts and keeping them motivated and connected with the company.

McDonald’s Philippines has shown remarkable commitment to its employees, garnering recognition as one of the top employers in the country. In both 2023 and 2024, the company received accolades on The Philippines’ Best Employers list compiled by Statista, a renowned international market research firm.


This acknowledgment speaks volumes about McDonald’s dedication to promoting a positive work environment and implementing employee-centric practices that prioritize the well-being and growth of its workforce, further proving that fast-food jobs are not dead-end jobs, but can serve as a valuable path for personal and professional growth.