'Choosing (Not A Straight Play)' premieres this June: A bold narrative on love beyond gender

At a glance

  • Ice and Liza are celebrated figures in the Philippine entertainment industry, known for their advocacy and artistic contributions.

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Ice Seguerra (right) and Liza Diño

In celebration of LGBT Pride Month, the world premiere of the highly anticipated theatrical production "Choosing (Not A Straight Play)" will take place at the Power Mac Spotlight Blackbox Theater, Circuit, Makati, from June 29 to July 7.

This groundbreaking play, a unique collaboration between the celebrated LGBTQIA+ couple Ice Seguerra and Liza Diño, and directed by the distinguished Dr. Anton Juan, promises to deliver a compelling narrative on love beyond gender.

A journey of self-discovery and acceptance

"Choosing (Not A Straight Play)" is more than just a theatrical production; it is a heartfelt exploration of identity, love, and the courage to be true to oneself. Written by Liza Diño, with additional monologues by Ice Seguerra, the play draws from their journeys, and a collection of LGBTQIA+ stories gathered over the years. It offers a thrilling narrative that blurs the lines between reality and fiction.

Liza Dino

"We're not just telling a story; we're sharing a part of our souls with the audience. It's about the raw, sometimes painful journey to find not just love but acceptance and happiness within oneself and in the eyes of society," shared Liza, writer and co-star of the play.

Engaging the community and promoting inclusivity

Choosing the Power Mac Spotlight Blackbox Theater as the venue underscores the play's commitment to accessibility and intimate storytelling. With both matinee and evening shows scheduled to cater to diverse audiences and ticket pricing set to ensure broad accessibility, the production aims to spark discussions and foster understanding around gender identity and sexual orientation.

"My hope is that this play will break barriers to understanding the individual experience of people from the LGBTQIA+ community. Through these stories and shared experiences, we’ll realize that we have more commonalities than differences," Ice added, reflecting on the play's mission to promote inclusivity.

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Ice Seguerra

About the creators

Ice and Liza are celebrated figures in the Philippine entertainment industry, known for their advocacy and artistic contributions. Directed by Dr. Anton Juan, a luminary in Philippine theatre, with music from award-winning composer and librettist Vince de Jesus, "Choosing (Not A Straight Play)" promises to be a compelling narrative that challenges perceptions and celebrates the spectrum of human experience.

"Choosing is not just about Ice and Liza; it's about embracing the unseen and unheard stories of the LGBTQIA+ community and finding a space to explore the struggles they face in society and the complexities of this experience. The play is for those who need to understand their identity, sexuality, and how, at the apex of it all, is choosing because of love—whether that’s love for yourself or your loved ones," said Dr. Anton Juan.

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Ice Seguerra, Anton Juan and Liza Dino

Event highlights

● World Premiere of "Choosing (Not A Straight Play)" in celebration of LGBT Pride Month.
● Collaboration between esteemed artists Ice Seguerra, Liza Dino, and Dr. Anton Juan with music from Vince de Jesus
● The dates are June 29 to July 7, 2024, at the Power Mac Spotlight Blackbox Theater, Circuit, Makati.
● Bold Narrative on love beyond gender, inspired by the personal journeys of the playwrights and stories from the LGBTQIA+ community.
● Promotion of Inclusivity and understanding of diverse gender and sexual identities.
● Unique Exploration of the complexities of relationships and the struggle for acceptance and happiness within oneself and society.
● Discussion on Rarely Talked About Topics within the LGBTQIA+ community, including the challenges of medical transition for couples.
● Aim to Open Hearts and Minds and illuminate untold stories of love and identity that transcend society's binary norms.

Call to action

Be part of this groundbreaking event that aims to elevate conversations around love, identity, and acceptance. Please purchase your tickets now and join us in celebrating Pride Month with a play that promises to make a resounding impact.

For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit Ticket2Me. The ticket price starts at Php 1000 for Silver, 1300 for Gold, and 1500 for Platinum.

Core message

The world premiere of "Choosing (Not A Straight Play)" is set to make a resounding impact in celebrating LGBT Pride Month by offering a bold narrative on love beyond gender.

Through the deeply personal journeys of the playwrights and stories shared by the LGBTQ+ community, the play aims to foster inclusivity, understanding, and acceptance of diverse gender and sexual identities. It is a significant step towards elevating untold stories within the community and promoting dialogue on the complexities of relationships, acceptance, and happiness. With its unique exploration of
rarely-discussed themes, "Choosing" seeks to open hearts and minds, shedding light on the often unseen struggles and triumphs of love.

Hashtag campaign

Join the conversation and share your thoughts on the importance of choosing and committing to the choices we make with our unique hashtag campaign:

● I choose Freedom
● I choose Openness
● I choose Acceptance
● I choose Inclusivity
● I choose Love

Use the hashtag #choosing2024 to connect with fellow audience members and share your experiences.