Magnitude 4.7 quake hits Antique — Phivolcs

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) on Saturday, June 29, recorded a 4.7-magnitude quake that struck Antique.


Based on Phivolcs’ data, the earthquake struck at 5:21 a.m., with an epicenter 11 kilometers (km) northwest of Tibiao, Antique.

It noted that the quake, tectonic in origin, was due to the sudden movement of the earth’s crust and had a depth of focus of 4 km.

The tremor was "slightly felt" at Intensity II in Balete, Aklan.

It was "weak" at Intensity III in Bugasong, Antique, and in Madalag, Malinao, and Libacao, Aklan.

The quake was felt at Intensity V, or "strong," in Tibiao, Culasi, and Barbaza, Antique.

Phivolcs’ instruments also recorded the earthquake at Intensity III in Malinao, Aklan; Intensity II in Pandan, Antique; and Intensity I (scarcely perceptible) in Ibajay, Aklan; Tapaz, Capiz; and San Jose de Buenavista, Antique.

However, Phivolcs expected an “aftershock” but “no damages” due to this earthquake.