Climate Champion: Makati City named National Winner in WWF’s One Planet City Challenge 2024


The Makati City government announced on Thursday, June 27, that the city is named the National Winner in World Wildlife Fund's (WWF) One Planet City Challenge (OPCC) 2024, known as the largest and longest-running climate challenge for cities in the world.

"For the 2023-2024 cycle of the OPCC, 359 cities from 48 countries participated, of which 62 finalists were selected. In The Philippines, the cities of Makati, Baguio, and Tagum were the top 3 finalists based on their reported climate data," the WWF said.

It explained that the top finalists were measured against rigorous criteria that includes ambitious climate targets, ability to meet upcoming challenges, and whether the city has a holistic climate action plan, and how closely it aligns with the city’s goals.

"Makati, which has a population of around 630,000, has proven itself to be one of The Philippines’ most ambitious OPCC participants, exhibiting a clear commitment to urban climate action. OPCC-shortlisted cities serve as role models for educating and inspiring other cities to commit to and undertake meaningful and ambitious climate action," the group added.

This year’s jury was particularly impressed by the city’s visions and impact, as well as the 1.5 °C alignment for both 2030 and 2050 and tracking carbon emissions. They also lauded Makati City for its comprehensive and diverse climate actions with inclusive co-benefits.

The WWF said a local awarding ceremony for all OPCC 2023-2024 participating Philippine cities will be held before the end of 2024 as part of the project’s culminating activity. City representatives of selected national finalists and winners will also be invited to a planned Asian/Southeast Asian OPCC Regional awarding ceremony.

The recognition now enables the city to take part in WWF’s We Love Cities competition which is open exclusively to OPCC finalists. 

In this competition, Makatizens will be invited to vote, express their love for their city, and submit suggestions as to how their city can further improve their sustainability efforts.

The event will run for the month of October, ending on World Cities Day on October 31, and the announcement of OPCC Global Winners in November in conjunction with the UN World Urban Forum in Cairo, Egypt.

“Studies have shown that cities are among the biggest contributors of greenhouse gases and so it is also at the city level where solutions must come in the form of appropriate environmental policies and climate action plans,” WWF-Philippines OPC project manager Imee Bellen said.

“With its critical role as a financial district of Metro Manila, Makati City has strongly displayed the need for urban areas to signify its commitment to sustainable development and alignment to the Paris Agreement,” she added.

Since its inception in 2011, the OPCC has been highlighting leading examples of climate mitigation and adaptation from cities around the world.

The OPCC initiative encourages cities to develop ambitious climate targets and commitments in line with the targets of the Paris Agreement.

This year showed that even more cities are participating and aligning their targets to limit global warming to 1.5 °C.