Meralco franchise renewal to ensure elderly Pinoys' quality of life--solon 

At a glance

  • Senior Citizen Party-list Rep. Rodolfo "Ompong" Ordanes has reiterated his backing for the advanced renewal of the franchise of the Manila Electric Company (Meralco), which he says would guarantee elderly Filipinos' quality of life.

Senior citizens.jpg(MANILA BULLETIN)








Senior Citizen Party-list Rep. Rodolfo "Ompong" Ordanes has reiterated his backing for the advanced renewal of the franchise of the Manila Electric Company (Meralco), which he says would guarantee elderly Filipinos' quality of life. 

In a statement Thursday, June 27, Ordanes says the power distribution giant has demonstrated its commitment to deliver reliable electricity service and stable power rates, which are critical to the needs of consumers, including senior citizens. 

"Renewing Meralco’s franchise will ensure our senior citizens continue to receive the essential services they need and deserve," he said. 

Ordanes says that since most of the elderly population no longer work and rely on their families for support, having reliable power distributors like Meralco will ensure their comfort. 

It would mean that their daily needs such as lighting, cooling, and powering medical devices would be met. 

"Consistently providing efficient, dependable and affordable electricity services is very important for senior citizens, who are more affected by power disruptions. Renewing Meralco’s franchise will help ensure that our elderly continue to benefit from stable electricity services," Ordanes said. 

The House Committee on Legislative Franchises has begun deliberating on the bills seeking the renewal of Meralco’s franchise. Meralco’s existing franchise won't expire until 2028. 

The lawmaker, who chairs the House Committee on Senior Citizens, has been urging government to focus efforts on stabilizing the power sector, instead of demonizing it which could lead to more problems. 

Apart from delivering reliable electricity to homes, Meralco also provides support to the elderly segment of society through a special program for senior citizens," Ordanes said. 

"Recognizing the unique challenges of this sector, Meralco provides senior citizens a five percent discount to provide financial relief and to improve the quality of life for many members of the elderly population," he said.