Empathy in education

Students succeed not just because of the school’s excellence in instruction but because of their professors’ empathy

School certifications, accreditations, and rankings have always been critical factors in assessing which university or college to enroll in. For example, if an institution has a high passing rate in board exams, the logical conclusion is that it offers quality education. These serve as evidence of the extent of quality education an institution offers. The more certifications and accreditations or higher the rank, the higher the chance of students being better educated.

However, what these don’t necessarily portray are the daily experiences in school that cannot be quantified, like the empathy and support that educators provide their students. Mark Louie Maycong, a graduate of Bachelor of Early Childhood Education from Centro Escolar University, attributes part of his achievements to the guidance and support of his college’s dean and professors.

Before his stint as a child psychologist and head teacher in New Zealand, Mark Louie, a CEU alumnus, was an enrichment teacher in Singapore

Engaging beyond the university

Now working as a head teacher at BestStart Educare in New Zealand, Maycong remembers how supportive his former dean and professors were in making sure that he gets to land his first overseas job. “Prior to working here in New Zealand, I was an enrichment teacher at the MindChamps Preschool in Singapore. Working abroad required several documents including those that I needed to secure from the university. Our dean, Dr. Maria Rita Lucas, was very supportive, helping me conveniently acquire these documents.”

Maycong has witnessed continued encouragement not only from the dean but also from the academic administrators of the university. “When I was already working in Singapore, Dr. Lucas together with President Padolina and Senior Vice President Perez took the time to observe my class and my school environment.”

CEU’s Early Childhood comprehensive program and Mark Louie’s perseverance led him to a promising opportunity abroad

Bringing up future educators

As a creative person, Maycong believes that being a preschool teacher could maximize his skills, so he enrolled in CEU’s Early Childhood Education program. He was particularly thrilled about a subject that not only utilized but also improved his creative talents. “I believe that all my capabilities as a creative person will be utilized in the preschool world. My favorite subject was the Instructional Material Class, where we created and innovated resources that are useful inside the classroom, such as big storybooks, creative flashcards, and preschool games.”

His university provided him an avenue to learn from noted educators who are not only well-respected in their craft but also credited for their committed passion of nurturing future educators. “My professors trained me to be a well-rounded teacher who is always ready for what’s new in the world of teaching. From them, I’ve learned that wherever you are in this world, as a professional teacher, you need to work hard and use your heart to teach and influence.”

Paying it forward

Mark Louie’s lessons and experiences in college instilled in him the value of setting excellent standards in every endeavor. “I always make sure that when I plan, create, and conduct my lessons, they are intentional, creative, and developmentally appropriate to my students.”

While Maycong enjoys being a preschool educator, he also continues to share his passion for teaching whenever he gets invited as a resource speaker in CEU. “I appreciate it whenever I am invited to talk to current students to share my passion for teaching, traveling, and volunteer work.” His passion for teaching also extends to his health and fitness advocacy. “I’m also a certified yoga teacher.”

CEU early childhood education program

Centro Escolar University, with campuses in Manila, Makati, and Malolos, offers Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECEd). It is a four-year program providing students with a fundamental understanding of principles of early childhood care and education while allowing them to experience and learn how to apply these. Graduates of the program are prepared to guide young children to develop their cognitive and social capabilities which are necessary in early foundations of learning.

Learn more on how CEU can make you succeed. Discover more of the Early Childhood Education and the other Education programs (https://discover.ceu.edu.ph/ads/education), Visit the CEU official website (ceu.edu.ph), and CEU official Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/theCEUofficial) to find out what future possibilities await you.

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