Big Bad Wolf 2024: Still howling strong

The BBW found a new home this time around, setting up at the Glorietta Activity Center in Makati

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Usually taking place in February during its first few years, the Big Bad Wolf sale became the customary and, yes, preferred Valentine’s date for my wife and me, both of us being huge bookworms. For us, as I’m sure for many others, the Big Bad Wolf (or BBW, if you’re so inclined) book sale isn’t just an event—it’s a tradition. We attended the first one when my son was two months old, and, not counting the years the world spent in lockdown, we’ve attended every single one since.

The BBW found a new home this time around, setting up at the Glorietta Activity Center in Makati from June 19th to the 26th. It doesn’t have as much square footage as it used to, but it is nonetheless still jam-packed with books for all tastes, from biographies, science fiction and fantasy, to children's books, art books, self-help, and travel, all at extremely reasonable prices. Boasting an inventory of two million books (yes, you read that right!), stocks are replenished daily, which means you can always swing by again and have fresh choices to pick through.

Photo from Big Bad Wolf/Facebook

Artists can find mountains of inspiration and instruction to hone their craft, whatever it may be, such as illustration, photography, animation, and, of course, cooking. Fiction lovers will surely find new lands and epic stories to be whisked away to, and those of us who have a more non-fictional bent will be happy with the number of reference and factual tomes, such as biographies and amazing science books.

The BBW is also partnered with Metrobank, giving Metrobank cardholders certain perks, such as the chance to get an additional Php100 voucher to help lighten your book shopping, as well as 0% interest when shopping with your Metrobank card for single-receipt purchases of PHP 3,000 and above.

Cardholders also have a dedicated checkout lane. Just like the promise in their tagline, when book shopping, you’re in good hands.

Whether you’re like us and enjoy reading as a family, or you’re on your own looking for that next bestseller to keep you company on a rainy night, there’s nothing like getting lost in a good book. When on the prowl for that great new book to add to your collection, there’s no better hunting ground to make you howl with bookworm-ish delight than the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale.