Discover the Lego Star Wars exhibit in Quezon City

This event shows the passion and dedication driven by a shared purpose and hope

As Lego and Star Wars celebrate their 25-year partnership, PinoyLUG, an internationally recognized Lego user group in the Philippines, is also marking its 10th anniversary. This double celebration, titled "Building the Galaxy: A Lego Star Wars experience," takes place at Fisher Mall, which has supported many successful events over the past decade.


“Heartfelt gratitude is extended to the management and staff of Fisher Mall, especially the marketing department, for their continued support. The current setup, a testament to their collaboration, is truly remarkable. The displays around the venue have been meticulously planned and prepared by the dedicated and passionate members of PinoyLUG, making this the biggest and longest public Lego Star Wars display ever created for such a celebration,” shared Leslie Leshen Araujo, president and LAN (Lego Ambassador Network) ambassador of PinoyLUG (Lego User Group) at the opening ceremony last June 19, 2024.

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The 501st Legion Philippines, Rebel Legion Philippine Base, and Fight Saber Philippines, renowned for their realistic costumes and thrilling lightsaber shows, created a vibrant Star Wars experience at Fisher Mall. They also conducted a lightsaber choreography tutorial and demonstration, allowing attendees to participate in lightsaber combat.

This event showcases the passion and dedication inspired by a common purpose and hope. Drawing influence from the impactful Star Wars movies, which have touched millions, PinoyLUG aims to inspire others and create a significant impact.

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The event is further enhanced by the 20th anniversary of the 501st Legion Philippine Garrison. Both PinoyLUG and the 501st Legion are committed to charity, particularly in supporting Make-A-Wish Philippines, an organization that grants wishes to children with serious illnesses. This partnership emphasizes the profound impact of fulfilling a child's wish, bringing immense joy and hope, and significantly improving their lives.

This also encourages everyone to donate, volunteer, and support Make-A-Wish Philippines. Every act of kindness contributes to spreading positivity and raising awareness of their remarkable work. Together, the community can make a substantial difference in the lives of children in need.

"Building the Galaxy: A Lego Star Wars experience" will be open to the public to enjoy until June 30, 2024 at Fisher Mall in Quezon City.

(Photos courtesy of Leslie Araujo)