Book on Cordillera mushroom hunting launched

A book chronicling the culture of mushroom hunting in the Cordilleras is now available

Gerrald Tan, Bryan Mariano, Marco Lobregat, and Chris Angway

On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, Hyde Manila at the Manila Prince Hotel hosted the launch of "The Mushroom Explorer’s Guide to the Cordilleras," co-authored by mushroom experts Marco Lobregat and Chris Angway and published by Manila Bulletin through the generous support of Forest Foundation Philippines.

This 200-page, full-color, hardbound book features accessible stories about the rich yet often overlooked world of wild mushrooms in the Cordilleras. It aims to be an invaluable resource for mushroom enthusiasts and a celebration of local culture and biodiversity.

Marco Lobregat

The book’s creative team includes creative director Ric Gindap, cover designer Katrina Romulo, and illustrator Anina Rubio, whose beautiful illustrations bring the endemic mushrooms of the Cordillera region to life. Photography by Javier Lobregat, Aklay Philippe, Kat Torres, and Carolene Sulit captures the intricate beauty of these fungi in their natural habitat, enhancing the book’s visual appeal.

Bryan Mariano

During the launch, Bryan Mariano, knowledge management specialist of Forest Foundation Philippines, emphasized the book's storytelling power. “This book is full of stories. It tells stories of culture, the environment, and the social-ecological relations we have. We are all used to the canopy in the forests but are not very familiar with the world that thrives underneath. And this book gives us a glimpse of that world.”

Chris Angway shared insights on the traditional practice of mushroom foraging in Sagada. “We learned from the elders. They taught us which mushrooms are edible and which are not. Not all mushrooms are safe to eat,” he said.

Chris Angway

The book includes a cautionary tale about a family in Sagada who perished after ingesting poisonous mushrooms. The authors stress the importance of indigenous knowledge, mushroom enthusiasts, and citizen scientists while acknowledging the need for deeper scientific research, accurate identification, testing, and learning.

Marco and Chris's partnership began in 2016 when they met in Sagada. Marco, who had a book on mushrooms from the US, found an eager collaborator in Chris, a local tourist guide deeply familiar with the region's mushroom species. Their shared vision of creating a local mushroom guide took root during the pandemic, supported by a grant from the Forest Foundation Philippines.

The Mushroom Explorer’s Guide to the Cordilleras is more than just a catalog of mushroom species. It is a comprehensive educational resource detailing foraging techniques, local mushroom lore, and over 20 local mushroom names. The book also explores the culinary possibilities of wild mushrooms, offering readers a treasure trove of recipes and cooking tips. Marco expressed his hope that the book would “instill a deep appreciation for both the cultural significance and ecological importance of foraging.”

Marco highlighted the growing interest in mushrooms across various sectors. “More restaurants and chefs are incorporating locally foraged mushrooms into their seasonal menus, signaling a broader culinary embrace of this versatile ingredient,” he said. He also noted the expanding market for mushroom-based products, from reishi mushroom tinctures to formulations featuring cordyceps and lion's mane, underscoring the vital role of local growers in this industry.


The book's launch was not just a celebration of a published work but also a community event. During Marco's recent birthday weekend, the book was gifted to the communities in Sagada, reflecting the authors' commitment to sharing their knowledge and fostering a deeper connection to nature among locals.

As Marco eloquently put it, the book is a testament to the “profound interconnectedness between nature, culture, and cuisine.”

(Photos by Mark Balmores | MB)