PH strengthens cybersecurity posture



I recently got a copy of the National Cybersecurity Plan 2023-2028 from DICT Undersecretary for Connectivity, Cybersecurity, and Upskilling, Jeffrey Ian C. Dy. I recall that when Usec Dy was appointed assistant secretary, he initiated a thorough overhaul of the NCSP. He aimed to make it more exhaustive, addressing the evolving cybersecurity landscape and ensuring the plan was timely and relevant to current and future challenges. 

This included integrating new strategies for threat detection, incident response, and public-private sector collaboration, emphasizing the importance of protecting critical infrastructure and enhancing the country's overall cyber resilience. His leadership has been pivotal in advancing the nation's cybersecurity posture.

The National Cybersecurity Plan 2023–2028 (NCSP) is a comprehensive strategic roadmap for securing the Philippines' digital landscape over the next five years. It outlines policy directions, strategic objectives, and a whole-of-nation approach to enhance cybersecurity. Key goals include strengthening the security and resilience of Philippine cyberspace, detecting and minimizing cyber risks, and increasing overall cyber resiliency. The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) plays a central role in implementing and monitoring the plan, ensuring alignment with international cybersecurity standards.

In a recent discussion with Usec Dy, several key aspects of the National Cybersecurity Plan (NCSP) 2023-2028 were highlighted. He emphasized the plan's comprehensive approach to safeguarding the Philippines' digital landscape, starting with its clear policy direction to create a trusted, secured, and resilient cyberspace.

1. Policy direction: The National Cybersecurity Plan (NCSP) provides a comprehensive framework for safeguarding the Philippines' digital landscape. It begins by establishing a clear policy direction that emphasizes creating a trusted, secure, and resilient cyberspace. This direction seeks to foster an environment conducive to digital innovation while actively mitigating cyber threats, striking a balance between economic growth and robust cybersecurity measures.

2. Strategic objectives: Undersecretary Dy underscored the importance of the plan's strategic objectives, which include strengthening security and resilience, detecting and minimizing cyber risks, and increasing overall cyber resiliency. He elaborated on how these objectives translate into concrete actions, such as fortifying critical infrastructure, securing government systems, promoting industry best practices, and enhancing risk detection through continuous monitoring, threat intelligence sharing, and vulnerability assessments. Furthermore, the plan's focus on fostering capacity-building, training, and awareness programs will be instrumental in ensuring that systems can withstand and recover from potential cyber incidents, bolstering the nation's overall cyber resilience.

3. Whole-of-nation approach: A cornerstone of the NCSP, as Undersecretary Dy explained, is the adoption of a whole-of-nation approach. This entails active participation and collaboration from various stakeholders, including national government agencies, instrumentalities, local government units (LGUs), the private sector, and civil society. The plan stresses the importance of coordinated efforts, information sharing, and joint initiatives to address the multifaceted nature of cyber threats effectively.

4. DICT's role: In this collaborative framework, Undersecretary Dy highlighted the pivotal role of the DICT as the central coordinating body. The DICT's responsibilities encompass providing technical assistance to other government agencies, monitoring the plan's implementation, facilitating capacity-building initiatives, and ensuring alignment with international cybersecurity standards. This approach underscores the DICT's commitment to establishing a strong, effective, adaptable, and comprehensive cybersecurity posture for the Philippines.

The NCSP outlines a multi-pronged strategy that includes fortifying critical infrastructure, securing government systems, promoting industry best practices, and enhancing risk detection through continuous monitoring and threat intelligence sharing. Additionally, capacity-building, training, and awareness programs are prioritized to ensure systems can withstand and recover from potential cyber incidents.

The National Cybersecurity Plan 2023–2028 represents a significant advancement in the Philippines' approach to cybersecurity. By fostering collaboration, enhancing resilience, and aligning policies, the nation aims to protect its citizens and critical assets and thrive in the digital age. The NCSP's comprehensive strategy is designed to ensure that the Philippines remains secure, resilient, and capable of leveraging digital innovations for economic growth and societal benefit.

(Art Samaniego, Jr. is the head of Manila Bulletin IT Department and is the Senior Technology Officer.)