Senators deplore China's 'unacceptable act of agression' in latest Ayungin Shoal incident

At a glance

  • Senators condemned the China Coast Guard's (CCG) recent "hostile actions" in the recent resupply mission in Ayungin (Second Thomas) Shoal that led to injuries on the part of Filipino troops.

Senators condemned the China Coast Guard's (CCG) recent "hostile actions" in the recent resupply mission in Ayungin (Second Thomas) Shoal that led to injuries on the part of Filipino troops.

Col. Xerxes Trinidad, chief of the AFP public affairs office confirmed that a member of the Philippine Navy was severely injured when a China Coast Guard (CCG) vessel intentionally rammed the supply boats of the AFP that were engaged in a resupply mission at Ayungin (Second Thomas) Shoal on Monday, June 17.

Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada said that he was "deeply outraged" and "extremely troubled" by these latest hostile actions by the CCG near Ayungin Shoal.

"This is an unacceptable act of aggression, a direct affront to our sovereignty, and a blatant violation of our rights under international law, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)," he said in a statement.

He mentioned that the Philippines has consistently sought peaceful and diplomatic means to resolve maritime disputes, adhering to mutual respect and cooperation principles yet the CCG demonstrated a complete disregard for these principles and has engaged in provocative actions to escalate tensions in our territorial waters further.

"I strongly demand that China cease these provocative actions immediately and respect our sovereign rights. Our government will take all necessary measures to protect our people and uphold our national interests," he said.

"I urge the international community to come together in denouncing this imprudent behavior and to lend their support to our plea for justice and accountability," he added.

Senator Joseph Victor "JV" Ejercito said that he condemns in the strongest possible terms the recurrent and unauthorized entry of Chinese maritime forces into the Philippines' territorial waters.

He said that such dangerous actions, including the ramming and towing of Philippine vessels, destabilize the region, jeopardize the safety of the citizens, and undermine the country's sovereign rights.

"China acts like a bully by ignoring international maritime laws, including the UNCLOS, disregarding the Philippines’ victory in the 2016 Arbitral Award, and failing to respect the freedom of navigation in the region," he said.

"Instead of engaging in fair and lawful conduct, China resorts to aggressive and underhanded tactics that escalate tensions in our seas, posing a direct threat to regional stability and international maritime norms," he added.

Ejercito stated that China must be held accountable for these trespasses and for endangering Filipino lives. He added that the government must utilize all available means to protect our people and our nation.

"As I have always said, it is high time that we should speed up strengthening our defense posture by modernizing our military forces," he said.

"The Philippines will not be intimidated. The West Philippine Sea is rightfully ours, and we will continue to defend it," he added.

Meanwhile, Senator Grace Poe said that China's aggressions in Philippine seas have reached a reprehensible new high, damaging boats and inflicting harm on its people.

"China's bullying and dangerous acts must stop," he said.

Poe called on concerned agencies to gather allies' support to help cease this unlawful behavior that impinges on Philippine sovereignty.

"Hihintayin pa ba natin na may Pilipinong magbubuwis ng buhay sa pagtatanggol sa ating teritoryo? (Are we going to wait for Filipinos to die saving our territory?)"

Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. directed the AFP to resist China’s “dangerous and reckless” behavior in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).