Father’s Day for the healthy-minded

Four healthy father-son activities to enjoy

Father’s Day is coming up, have you come up with any plans to celebrate with the man of the house? While celebrating Father’s Day can be as simple as telling your dad how much you appreciate them, it can also be a good time to bond and enjoy some activities together. For those of you looking to celebrate in a healthy way, here are four father-son activities you can enjoy together.



Pack up your bags and pull up a tent, it’s time to go on a nature hike. There are several camping sites and climbing ranges to check out there. It’s an invigorating way to stay active and you get the added bonus of having a wonderful view. When out on a hiking trail, you can even use this time to have a one-on-one talk to catch up with each other.


Play your dad’s favorite sport
Many fathers tend to have a favorite sport. Here in the Philippines, it’s almost impossible not to find a dad that isn’t interested in basketball. Now’s the perfect chance to head out t o the court and have a friendly match to keep the old bones working. Maybe you’ll find your dad still has the skills to toss in several three-pointers in the court. For those with older fathers, try finding something simpler to enjoy like golf or curling.


Head on a cycling adventure

They say once you learn how to bike, you never forget. For those of you who learned how to ride a bike, chances are it was your father that taught you. Why not revisit those old days and go out for a cycle together? As the country continues too lean toward bike-friendly roads, you’ll find that you and your dad can cycle just about anywhere in the metro. For the more expert cyclists, consider trailing up a mountain bike path or cycle your way to distant provinces.



Fish is considered as one of the healthier meats to consume. Why not take it the extra step and go fishing for your next dinner with your father? It’s the timeless classic that most shows tend to depict as the go-to father-son bonding session. Take this time to have a quiet conversation, bask in the fishing area’s environment, and most importantly, relax.