Over P1 million worth of shabu seized in Bulacan buy-bust op

Operatives from the Bulacan Police have arrested three drug peddlers and seized over P1 million worth of shabu in an anti-drug operation in Barangay Pala-pala on Thursday evening, June 13. 

Based on the report submitted to Lt. Col. Jacquiline Puapo, Bulacan police director OIC, the anti-illegal drug operation was conducted by the Station Drug Enforcement Unit (SDEU) of San Ildefonso Police Station. 

Confiscated from the suspects were a total of nine pieces of medium heat-sealed transparent plastic sachets and one large transparent plastic bag containing shabu worth P1,026,800, a cellphone, a pouch, digital weighing scale, and the buy-bust money.

The arrested suspects and the confiscated evidence were brought to the Bulacan Provincial Forensic Unit for examination.

The three are now facing charges for violating Republic Act No. 9165, also known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.