FASHION PULIS: Already a couple

Not everyone is sold on the supposed love journey of a showbiz couple. 

For the past months, Network Actor (NA) has been featured in media for his seeming extra, showy concern for Female Celebrity (FC). 

This scenario was welcomed by the fans of NA. They felt he needed the break after all his hard work in the past years. His heart deserved to feel glee and they thought FC was finally the answer. 

As fate would have it, FC did not place NA into the so-called “friend zone.” Instead, fans noticed FC was receptive without really saying anything directly. 

NA expressed happiness with much reaction. Thus, for quite a time, the public was made to believe the two were still at the getting to know you stage. 

By contrast, the grapevine claimed that NA and FC are already an item. Hence, NA did not really spend much time winning FC’s heart. 

What they were showing could merely be for show and to keep their fans interested.

Incidentally, prior to falling for FC, NA was allegedly dating Non-showbiz Girl (NG). 

FC supposedly knew about the existence of NG. FC must have weighed more in NA’s heart such that he could have ghosted NG. After all, FC seemed to have a lot of advantages over other females. 


Of course, the grapevine was disappointed given that the FC and NA’s love story might merely be just a tale. 

‘Our lives improve only when we take chances – and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.’ — Walter Anderson

Sham Persona

These days, certain celebrities who have established good reputations can get away with anything. 

Sometimes, such celebrities have invested much capital to the point that the audience often seemed to forget the difference between their media image and real personality. 

In the case of Female Celebrity (FC), the camera loves her at every angle. Even at her low points, she evokes sympathy and the viewers feel what she’s projecting.

And that is only for sad moments. When she’s happy, the joy resonates with her fans. On screen, FC thus projects this amiable, approachable image. 

Meanwhile, The Netizen (TN) thought FC’s authentic and camera image were one and the same. Well, TN needed to manage her expectations. TN had the unfortunate moments of seeing FC for exactly who she is away from the cameras. Without worrying about angles, FC did not mind showing her rude self. 

She hardly smiled and preferred to wear a frown as she went about her business. Asking for photos wasn’t a pleasant experience as well. Her demeanor made onlookers doubt that FC was sincere whenever she was performing. 

Observing FC in such state made TN doubt that her honesty in dealing with people. After all, the rude FC was consistent in several instances and not just a one-time thing. 

I try and be my authentic self all the time; the good, the bad and mostly the weird. I hope I can instil this in younger women... be yourself and own it. ‘  — Taylor Hill’

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