Lessons from my father


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A friend very recently asked me what lessons I have learned from my father, and whether I was willing to share these coming Father’s Day. Well, it’s Father’s Day tomorrow, and after giving some thought to the idea, I thought to myself, why not? And though the five I will share here today are not quite lessons in the typical sense. They are more realizations, if you will, from seeing how my father has lived his life thus far. Allow me to share them with you:

Reason should always outweigh impulse – and though it is much easier, and oftentimes very tempting to act on the latter, the consequences can also weigh heavier. In the same light however, we must also not overthink or sweat the small stuff. 

If there is a slight possibility of regret after, it is better to stay silent – once words are uttered, they cannot be taken back, and oftentimes, the impact of these words are undervalued, when in reality, these are what we tend to carry in our hearts and remember forever. 

While age may be just a number, it is important to act with prudence and accordingly. Know and accept your limitations while imbibing and embracing a youthful spirit. 
Prayer does not have to be obvious; it just has to be practiced. The greatest of miracles sometimes come from the strongest, but most invisible of faiths. 
In the same light, be careful what you pray for. 

Love is patient, and love is kind. Love endures, but love will also hurt. Most importantly, true love forgives. And when you are in the receiving end, this is something you must wholeheartedly embrace as a gift and never take lightly, or advantage of. 

Lastly, the best gift a father can ever give his children is to love their mother. And though as children we may see this love evolve through the years, transform in moments of triumph and trial, sometimes even hurt, this love is what will give children the security growing up, and the strength to overcome. It is this love that will hold things in place even when ceilings of trust are sometimes shattered and promises broken. 

It is this love that anchors, and truly, behind the success of every man, is the strength, tenacity, resilience and love of a selfless woman. 

To all the fathers out there – the dads, the papas, the father figures, and those men who we may simply just look up to: Happy Father’s Day!