Cold Storage honors exemplary dads this Father’s Day

In celebration of Father’s Day, get to know three amazing dads who are raising equally amazing children

This Father's Day, Cold Storage, the pioneer of the frozen seafood industry in the Philippines, invites families to celebrate the extraordinary fathers in their lives with a feast of the finest frozen seafood. As a brand committed to bringing premium quality seafood "from sea to plate," Cold Storage takes pride in helping families create memorable culinary experiences.

“Seafood has always been my dad’s passion, his focus on quality and sustainability was something he also passed on to us,” said Marco Qua, President of Cold Storage, who succeeded his father, Mariano Qua, to run the company in 2022. “We inherited our dad’s approach, work ethic, and resilience in everything he does, which is why we also don’t stop coming up with ways to improve our products and continue our dad’s vision.”

Cold Storage has been a leader in the frozen seafood market for almost 30 years. By sourcing the freshest seafood and utilizing state-of-the-art freezing technology, Cold Storage guarantees top quality from local seafood to Australian steaks.

To make this Father’s Day even more special, Cold Storage features four amazing fathers who exemplify dedication, hard work, and love.

Making Meaningful Connections

Ernest Cu with Ari Cu (daughter in-law), Martin Cu, Arlene Cu, Parker Cu, Arianna Cu, Henry Maccready, Cris Cu-Seisa, Tristan Seisa (son in-law).JPG
Ernest Cu with Ari Cu (daughter in-law), Martin Cu, Arlene Cu, Parker Cu, Arianna Cu, Henry Maccready, Cris Cu-Seisa, Tristan Seisa (son in-law)

Reflecting on his journey as a father, Ernest Cu, President and CEO of Globe Telecom and Chairman of Mynt (GCash), shares that his greatest realization has been the need for continuous growth and adaptability.

Ernest recognizes that each stage of his children's lives brings unique challenges and joys, requiring different communication styles. Though raised under the same roof, his children have distinct personalities, needing him to be a mentor, friend, disciplinarian, and provider of unconditional love. This role has taught him patience and compassion. Now, as a grandfather, he finds joy in guiding the next generation, reinforcing the importance of family bonds.

He advises his children to follow their true interests and excel in their paths, whether as chefs, musicians, or entrepreneurs. By setting a strong foundation without imposing strict paths, he empowers them to pursue their vocations wholeheartedly.

For some family bonding, the business tycoon loves cooking seafood pasta with his youngest daughter, Arianna, who’s also a professional chef. It’s a cherished activity that creates lasting memories and reinforces their bond.

‘Williengness’ to Love & Lead

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Marc Jason and Wellington Soong

Wellington Soong, fondly known as Willie, is a man whose name was once synonymous with premium brands such as Ferrari, Jaguar, Land Rover, and Maserati.

Being a dedicated family man, he released a coffee-table book titled “Knowing When To Exit” in November 2023, dedicated to his late wife Maureen, which celebrates his remarkable achievements.

His greatest realization as a father is the joy of seeing the continuity of his lineage through his sons, Marc and Jason. Willie’s best advice for his children is to always prioritize family. Known for treating his kids to special meals, seafood has always been a family favorite in the Soong household.

He is also the founder of Racks, an establishment he coined for “Real American Country Kitchen Style” back in 1993. He often entertains family and friends at the Wellington Centre, a private museum on the ground floor of the Enzo Building along Gil Puyat Avenue in Makati City.

An Emerging Role Model

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Emerson and Mark Yao

Emerson Yao, managing director of Lucerne Group and recipient of Asia’s Most Influential Award in 2021, reflects deeply on fatherhood with his son, Mark.

"As fathers, we serve as role models to our children, and what we say, what we do, and how we behave have a profound impact on their lives," he shares.

He emphasizes the importance of continuous self-improvement and advises his children to focus on enhancing every aspect of life—education, health, finances, family, and social connections. He believes that benchmarking sets clear and realistic goals.

When he’s not working, Emerson is a passionate runner who has participated in marathons around the world from Cebu to Boston and Berlin to London, Kyoto, and Osaka. He also enjoys preparing sushi and sashimi for his family, combining his love for food with quality time spent with his kids.

Starting a Lasting Legacy

Qua Family [L-R_ Morris, Elizabeth, Mariano, Maxine, Marco].JPG
Qua Family: Morris, Elizabeth, Mariano, Maxine, Marco

Mariano Qua came from the humble province of Iriga, Camarines Sur to establish Sikat Araw Trading, which then gave birth to Cold Storage. This achievement turned him into one of the pillars of the frozen seafood industry in the Philippines.

But as a dedicated father to Marco, Morris, and Maxine, his greatest realization as a father is the priceless joy seeing his children thriving in life. “To find all my children successful, that is my achievement as a father,” he proudly states. He believes in the importance of legacy and resilience, advising his children to always be prepared to continue the family legacy, learning from his hard-earned experiences in building a business and helping raise a family with his wife. “Overcoming mistakes and failures in life will build character,” he often reminds them.

His passion for seafood extends beyond his professional life into his family kitchen, where he loves preparing his signature chawanmushi, a dish perfected through countless variations. He ensures that every family gathering features his chawanmushi, which guests happily devour. He also loves cooking his favorite pan-fried sea bass with mango yogurt sauce, a dish that is not only delicious and nutritious but also easy to prepare for grand family feasts.

Mariano’s pride in his children stems not from his contributions to their lives but from their own remarkable accomplishments. Despite their successes, he keeps his children humble, instilling in them the values that have guided his own life and business. This Father's Day, we honor Mariano Qua not just for his pioneering work in the frozen seafood industry but for the legacy of love, wisdom, and culinary excellence he passes on to his family.