Are you a fur mom? Don’t miss out on these essentials for your fur baby

Here are eco-conscious choices for fur parents and babies

These days, more Filipinos are making trips to the mall or even going on staycations and holidays with their fur babies. Gone are the days when these pet dogs were left behind to mind the house on their own.

Owning a pet comes with the responsibility of making eco-conscious choices to ensure a better planet not only for us but for our fur babies as well. Whether you are heading to a park, going on a road trip or just running errands, you need to have these sustainable products that are available under the Green Finds label Pet Express.

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For your everyday walk around the neighborhood, you will need a collar, harness and leash. Check out the M-Pet brand of this set which is made with 100 percent recycled plastic bottles. Don’t forget to bring along a water bottle to keep your fur baby hydrated in this hot weather. Invest in a high-quality reusable water bottle that is lightweight and easy to carry. 

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Wooflask has a reusable water bottle that will come in handy and that
translates into less plastic waste. It's also important that you have some dog treats handy so that your fur baby feels appreciated and loved.

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Local brand Treatos by Joey has Chicken Jerky that comes in 50-gram packs. That will definitely keep your fur baby happy. For fur moms who wish to bring their fur babies on long trips, you will need to invest in an M-Pet carrier which is made with 100 percent recycled plastic bottles.

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Being a fur mom means making choices that not only benefit your pet but also protect the environment. By opting for green finds, you can reduce your ecological footprint while ensuring your furry friend has everything they need.