Quiboloy supporters urged to let police serve arrest warrant

DAVAO CITY – Followers of Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ should let law enforcers serve his warrants of arrest without resistance, the Police Regional Office (PRO)-Davao Region said.

Pastor Apollo Carreon Quiboloy.jpg

Police Major Catherine dela Rey, PRO-Davao spokesperson, said during the Davao Peace and Security Press Conference that the serving of warrants last Monday, June 10, was made in compliance with the lawful order of the court.

She said that the police did not use excessive force throughout the operations and that the areas where the arrest warrants were served and the number of persons to be arrested necessitated the augmentation from other regions.

In a statement released on Thursday, June 13, KOJC criticized the police for making “false” claims about the serving of warrants, claiming that the operations were “illegal and carried out with unnecessary and unrestrained force.”

The KOJC claimed that no maximum tolerance was observed during police operations at the KOJC Compound and two properties of Quiboloy in Barangay Tamayong.

According to KOJC, the police and Special Action Force were already positioned outside the KOJC Compound at 3:45 a.m. and shortly thereafter, soldiers climbed over the gate despite being asked by the security guards to wait for the lawyers.

“A number of missionaries sustained injuries after the PNP’s violent entry, including a woman who got kicked on her face by a military boot. Two other male missionaries also sustained injuries on their shoulders and arms,” it said.

Police were supposed to serve the warrants at 5:35 a.m. against Quiboloy and Jackielyn Roy, Cresente Canada, Paulene Canada, Ingrid Canada, and Sylvia Cemañes, his co-accused in the criminal charge for human trafficking at the KOJC Compound in Catitipan and his properties in Barangay Tamayong, Calinan District, this city.

Several supporters of Quiboloy resisted the simultaneous police operations.

Dela Rey said that his followers should just convince the KOJC founder to surrender peacefully.

“We did not do it on our own. It was part of our mandate, as law enforcers, to serve the warrants of arrest. That’s why we are appealing to the supporters and followers of Pastor Quiboloy. Just like any other citizen, he enjoys the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. The service of warrants was made so that he could face the charges filed against him,” she said.

She claimed that the law enforcers were assaulted but added that police remained composed and demonstrated “maximum tolerance” throughout the operations.

Dela Rey alleged that water cannons were used against police outside KOJC Compound and some lawmen serving the warrants in Barangay Tamayong were reportedly assaulted and threatened with bolos after breaking in.

The KOJC said that the water cannon was only used after soldiers forced their way into the compound.

Dela Rey said that their personnel entered the KOJC Compound after negotiations with some church officials.

She said six KOJC members, who allegedly attacked the police with deadly weapons during their operation in Tamayong, would face charges for “obstruction of justice.”

As of Thursday, Dela Rey said that charges have yet to be filed through regular filing. They were temporarily released from detention, according to Dela Rey.

She said police rescued two minors from Glory Mountain. 

Dela Rey added that police confiscated 17 pieces of bolo with scabbard and one improvised “marble gun.”