LIST: 5 simple ways to reduce food waste at home

Help save the planet, one 'waste' at a time

Food waste isn’t merely a socioeconomic issue but also an environmental problem. It consumes finite planetary resources, only to rot in landfills and emit methane, a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide. 

According to the UN Environment Programme Food Waste Index Report in 2024, household food waste in the Philippines amounts to 2.95 million tons annually, or 26 kg per capita, underscoring the need for measurement studies in households and across supply chains. 

Reducing food waste at home doesn't require huge efforts. WWF Philippines lists five simple ways to do that: 

1. Create a shopping list 

Know your household's serving size and create a shopping list to avoid buying non-essential goods that would be discarded later on. By sticking to a menu plan, every ingredient purchased serves a purpose in the kitchen, reducing the likelihood of food waste. 

2. Buy "ugly produce"

Oddly shaped fruits and vegetables are often ignored due to their “imperfect” looks. Truthfully, these produce are just as nutritious as their visually appealing counterparts; "ugly produce" ends up in landfills if not bought.

3. Be creative in the kitchen 

Use vegetable scraps, including celery leaves, carrot tops, and onion peels as a base for stew. Transform leftovers into a new dish. These small efforts, especially when done with discipline, play a huge role in helping minimize food waste. 

4. Check the storage 

Study the shelf life of your usual produce and store food properly to avoid spoilage. Use airtight containers for pantry items like grains and cereals. For herbs, loosely wrap them in a damp paper towel and seal them in a reusable bag. 

5. Make a compost 

Start your compost pile by layering wet green materials (fruit cores and peelings, coffee grounds, eggshells, and leftovers) with dry brown materials (wood shavings, dried leaves, and papers). It may take four to six months for all the materials to break down, which can be used as plant fertilizer and to enhance soil quality.