Style Weekend: Filipino mompreneurs and creatives share the best lessons they learned from their mothers

...and how they apply them to their parenting style today.

When it comes to parenting, there is no surefire way one can do it perfectly, especially for mothers. While every mom has their unique style, what they have in common is their mission of showering their family with love and keeping them safe. That’s why for many mothers today, revisiting the teachings and values passed onto them by their mothers is one of the key elements in achieving their goals. As we celebrate Mother’s Day, Style Weekend asked Filipino mothers who are also among today’s industry leaders about the best lessons they got from their moms, proving that our mothers don’t just know what’s best but they also have the perfect rulebook when it comes to parenting and facing life.

 Mom Cezette Constantino with Tim Tam Ong 

My Mother has served as my moral guide and I'm deeply thankful for her upbringing. Her words and actions have imparted invaluable life lessons that I now share with my children: Practice kindness and patience and treat everyone equally without judgment. She taught me that by extending compassion to others, we contribute to a more harmonious world.

She emphasized the importance of maintaining a close relationship with God and nurturing a pure heart. Integrity ranks high among her teachings, urging me to uphold my word, respect others' time, and do what's right even when unseen. Her lessons on hard work advocate for taking life one day at a time, striving for financial independence, utilizing talents to benefit others, setting clear goals, and remaining steadfastly committed.—Tim Tam Ong, jewelry designer 

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Rosebud Benitez-Velasco with mom Erlinda Rooney

One very important lesson I learned from my Mom is resilience. I have a tough mom who never lets the problems of life get the best of her. Even at a young age, she encountered a lot of problems that other people with normal lives didn’t have. But she didn’t let those problems break her. She remained strong and fought back no matter what obstacles came her way. And she would always pray for strength and guidance because she knew she couldn’t do it alone.

So that is one thing I learned from her. To not give up and stay strong and resilient in life, no matter what comes your way. And to always, always pray and rely on God’s strength to carry you through all of life’s difficulties.—Rosebud Benitez-Velasco, chef

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Techie Hagedorn with mom Josephine German

The most important lesson I learned from my Mom is the importance of family. Value them, appreciate them, and go the extra mile for them. Tell them you love them. You support each other and show up when they need you. Call and send them a message. They need to know that you are always watching out for them, and calling them out when necessary.

When I got married and had children of my own, I realized why my Mom impressed upon us these values. My husband and children, my parents and siblings know that they can always count on me no matter what and vice versa, and to put God in the center of everything.—Techie Hagedorn, fashion designer and co-founder of Alegre

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 Mom Cynthia Lico with Charisma Lico-Santos 

Growing up, my Mom has been so helpful. I remember even when I was doing my thesis when I was in college, she was with me during the out-of-town shoot. And now as a mom, I’d also like to offer support whenever my children would need me in whatever season of life, even if it means just my presence. Because of the assurance that I had my Mom’s back, I was able to pursue the career I wanted. And I hope to do the same for my daughters.—Charisma Lico-Santos, photographer

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 Mom Veronica Gordon Lorenzana with Ana Lorenzana de Ocampo

The best lesson I learned from my Mom is the importance of having a good relationship with God and the importance of prayer. I start every single day with prayer and talking to God and it makes all the difference in guiding my thoughts, words, and actions. I will always be grateful for these strong values instilled in me by my Mom and may God bless her and all moms this Mother’s Day.—Ana Lorenzana de Ocampo, co-founder and president of Wildflour Café + Bakery

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Mom Catalina Dacalus with Steffy de Mylo

My Mom is a modern-day Mother Teresa, but a self-made woman. She is the most compassionate, patient, and selfless being I’ve ever known. She shares the abundance of her blessing through giving. Bonus that every time there’s an occasion where family and friends gather, it rains Ninoy Aquino bills. I followed suit and shared in every way that I could. She instills that it is better to be kind than right. It's a courageous act to put the wellbeing of others over our own in the end. It fosters healthy relationships. 

I have quite several aha moments on this one. The patience she has with my Dad rivals the depth of Mariana Trench. I am still struggling on the patient part with my partner but I am trying. And, lastly, she taught me to be self-reliant and resourceful. You’ll never know either one of you might run out, you save yourself. Kidding aside, it's taking control of your life.—Steffy de Mylo, Davao-based fashion designer

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Cristalle Belo-Pitt with mom Dr. Vicki Belo

My Mom teaches by example. She is so passionate about work and enjoys making people beautiful. It’s not just work but is her life purpose. She always told me to do something I love and that makes me happy and that’s the biggest takeaway I got from her. Work should be seamlessly integrated into one’s life and identity.—Cristalle Belo-Pitt, managing director of The Belo Group

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Zarah Juan (in terno) with mom Virginia De Jesus (in yellow)

My Mom is a shining example of resilience. Through her hard work and strategic approach, she has taught me a valuable life lesson: To approach every situation with grace. She instilled in me the faith that everything I need to succeed is already within my reach. Instead of focusing on what I lack, I have learned to emphasize my strengths. This mindset has transformed my life’s journey into one of triumph and abundance.—Zarah Juan, accessories designer and creative director

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