Dominique Cojuangco, daughter of Gretchen and Tonyboy, gives birth to first child

At a glance

  • The unica hija of actress Gretchen Barretto and billionaire Tonyboy Cojuangco posted a glimpse of her daughter on social media on May 29.

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Dominique Cojuangco-Hearn (Instagram)

Dominique Cojuangco-Hearn shares her excitement as she welcomes her baby, Penelope Eloise.

The unica hija of actress Gretchen Barretto and business tycoon Tonyboy Cojuangco posted a glimpse of her daughter on social media on May 29. 

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Penelope Eloise (Instagram)

Her full post: "A week of bliss. Five two-hour lipid IV drips and two-hundred and forty-two Heparin injections, but I’ve enjoyed every minute of my pregnancy. Michael and I are delighted to welcome our little wiggler from inside my womb. Thank you, Lord," Dominique wrote on Instagram.

Dominique married entrepreneur Michael Hearn on March 4, 2023.