Slash your electric bill

8 devices you should unplug now!

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In today's world, our homes are filled with electronic devices that make our lives more convenient and enjoyable. However, many of these devices continue using power even when not actively used, contributing to higher electricity bills and unnecessary energy waste. But here's the good news: saving energy can be as easy as pulling the plug. By unplugging devices that are not in use, you slash your electricity bill and reduce your energy footprint. Here are eight devices you should consider unplugging to maximize energy savings.

1. Television

Although it may seem that your television doesn't use power when it's off, it actually continues to consume energy in standby mode. Unplug your TV when it's not in use. Some people like leaving the TV on and listening to their show in the background while they work or do tasks around the house, but it helps to leave it off unless you're actively watching something. This small step can save a surprising amount on your energy bill.

2. Cable/Satellite Boxes

Cable and satellite boxes are notorious for their high energy consumption. These devices are often left on standby to provide instant access, but this comes at a cost. Consider unplugging your cable box when you're not watching TV. Alternatively, you can look into energy-efficient models that use less power in standby mode.

3. Game Consoles or Entertainment Centers

Did you know that game consoles stay connected to the internet when not in use? When your game console is not entirely off, it goes into a low-power state, still performing background tasks, downloading updates, and doing other features like syncing data to the cloud. This constant activity consumes energy, so turn off your game consoles, such as PlayStation or Xbox, to save on electricity.

Consider using a power strip or extension cord where all of your consoles or devices in the entertainment center are plugged so you can unplug the power strip, ensuring all devices are not using power or electricity.


4. Home Audio Systems

Audio equipment like amplifiers and speakers continue to draw power in standby mode. This is wasteful, mainly if you only use your audio system occasionally. Unplug your audio equipment when it's not in use, especially if you only use it occasionally. For those who enjoy regular music sessions like me, unplug your speakers when you're done using them.

5. Computers and Laptops

Modern computers and laptops are designed to be energy-efficient, but just like game consoles, they draw power when they're in sleep mode. This can lead to significant energy usage even when they appear to be off. Understandably, we'd rather leave our laptops or computers on so we can quickly run to our devices when we need to continue our work. However, we should shut it down when our tasks are complete or if there are no urgent tasks. After all, turning the devices on takes less than two minutes, so it wouldn't be much of a hassle to shut them down when not in use.

6. Chargers

Chargers for any device continue to use electricity when they're not connected to a device. This energy drain is commonly known as "vampire power." Vampire power refers to the electricity wasted when gadgets that are not in use are plugged in. Make sure to unplug chargers when you're done charging your devices. Similarly to using an extension cord for your entertainment center, you can also use one for chargers, so it's easier to unplug them all simultaneously.

7. Printers

Printers remain in standby mode often because people want to print documents at a moment's notice. In hindsight, this is a convenient move, but it can be an unnecessary drain on energy. To save energy, turn off and unplug your printer when necessary. 

8. Microwaves, Coffee Makers, and Toasters

New models of microwaves and coffee makers often have clocks and other features that continue to use electricity even when the appliance is not in use. On the other hand, toasters are only used briefly, but they stay plugged in and draw power when not in use. This standby power consumption can be a hidden drain on your energy resources. Unplug your microwave when it's not being used to save on your grocery bill.


Save Energy, Reduce Your Bills

Unplugging these devices is effortless, but it significantly reduces your energy consumption. Doing so lowers your electricity bill and contributes to an eco-conscious lifestyle. 

Furthermore, unplugging devices prolongs the lifespan of electronics, reduces electronic waste, and enhances home safety by minimizing fire risks associated with faulty wiring. By making this simple change, you take an impactful step towards saving energy, reducing costs, and protecting the environment.