Bulacan PNP ready for TS Aghon

 Col Arnedo inspected the search and rescue equipment.jpg

Col. Relly B. Arnedo, Bulacan police director, inspects the Search and Rescue (SAR) equipment. (Photo from Bulacan PPO)


Col. Relly B. Arnedo, Director of the Bulacan Provincial Police Office (BPPO), assured that the police force is fully prepared and capable of responding effectively to any emergencies arising from the potential impact of Tropical Storm Aghon.

Arnedo inspected the Search and Rescue (SAR) equipment for their functionality such as rescue boats, life vests, ropes, medical supplies, and communication devices.  

He also evaluated the training and preparedness levels of the SAR Team members, ensuring that they are well-versed in emergency response protocols and rescue operations.

Arnedo said this proactive measure is part of the BPPO's broader strategy to bolster disaster response capabilities, emphasizing the importance of operational preparedness in mitigating the effects of natural disasters. 

By verifying the readiness of the SAR Team and their equipment, Arnedo said this will enhance the province's resiliency and ensure swift and effective action in the face of Tropical Storm Aghon’s potential threats.